Are You More Capable Than You Allow Yourself to Recognize?
Odds are you’re more capable than you know.

Arguably, everyone has limitations. This varies from person to person.
These can range from the physical to the emotional to the mental to the spiritual – and combinations of all. What you can and can’t do is frequently part of your focus.
The physical tends to be the most limiting. These meat-popsicles that people occupy are prone to lots of annoying issues that impact what you can and can’t do in them. Also, if you have t-rex arms like I do, your reach is not the same as someone a foot taller than you are – and you can’t do anything about that.
However, when it comes to the mental, emotional, and spiritual – you’re very nearly unlimited.
Yet the nature of our society – and its fear base – creates a ludicrous amount of lack, scarcity, and insufficiency. Most of which are wholly artificial.
Much of this is messages about all the things you’re not capable of. And you’re not capable of them because you lack ‘X’, haven’t enough of ‘Y’, or an insufficiency of ‘Z’ that limit you. When these messages bombard you frequently, your subconscious mind absorbs them like a sponge.
Many physical limitations aren’t as limiting as they could be. But the places where capability tends to be far more than any limitations are in the realm of mental, emotional, and spiritual matters.
And the truth is that you’re more capable than you allow yourself to recognize.
How and why are you more capable?
For this section and the rest of this discussion going forward, I’m combining the mental, emotional, and spiritual all together as mental health.
One of the biggest advantages of the modern world is the internet. When you get past the cat videos, the porn, the fake news sites, and the like – there is a ton of good, useful, helpful information to be found.
There are numerous ways to grow, evolve, and change that you can research online. Many resources are available to gain competencies, further education, and overall knowledge about nearly anything and everything you can conceive of.
If you have a deep desire to do a thing – you can do it. When it comes to your mental health you have total and complete control over all elements of it.
It might not be as simple as flipping a switch or changing an idea. This could require help from books, online resources, friends, family, medication, therapy, and/or all of the above.
Therapists help you to find balance and gain clarity. Psychopharmacology does the same by affecting imbalanced chemicals in your brain that might cause depression, anxiety, ADD, OCD, and the like.
Choosing to work with these resources is your superpower. And when you do choose – you push past limitations – real, fear-based, and/or imagined.
Because you have this power over your mental health, you are more capable than you likely realize.
The first step to working with this is believing in yourself.
Believe in yourself
Lots of people find this challenging. It’s even more so when you deal with self-doubt, imposter syndrome, squirrels in the brain/brain weasels, and the like from within.
Then, this gets further complicated by outside influences telling you that you can’t, won’t, don’t, or shouldn’t.
Many things make self-belief challenging. And that also limits how much you believe that you’re capable of. Often, it’s the lack of self-belief or limitations in self-belief that cause you to think you’re not as capable as you are.
But the truth is that you’re extremely capable. Like far more capable than you tend to immediately believe. To access this, however, you start by you believing in yourself.
What does that even mean? It means you believe you have lots of capabilities but are also willing to take chances and leaps of faith and try new things.
Doing anything new, different, and in any way outside of your comfort zone requires a leap of faith. And that further requires you to believe in yourself.
How? Look at the proof of past success.

You’ve been more capable before
With nearly no exceptions that I can conceive of, everyone at one time or another has done something they didn’t think, feel, or believe that they could do. Everyone has proven themselves to be more capable at one time or another.
And I can prove it to you.
You passed that test you didn’t think you’d be able to pass. A date happened you didn’t think you were capable of getting – because you took a chance and asked someone out. You signed on that dotted line and bought the house/car/boat or another thing you didn’t think you’d ever have. That goal you set for yourself that you didn’t believe you were capable of you achieved.
How long it took, when it happened, and how it happened is irrelevant. It has happened. And it will happen again. Why? Because you are more capable than you allow yourself to recognize.
Why is this how it is for so many people? Because it’s too easy to allow habit, rote, routine – and thus the subconscious mind – to do the driving.
How do you take back the wheel? Mindfulness
Mindfulness for control
The only person in your head, heart, and soul is you. Thus, you – and you alone – think, feel, intend, and act for you. Nobody else does and nobody else can.
Still, it’s all too easy to go with the flow, let habit do the work, and not assume the control that’s your right.
This is why all mental, emotional, and spiritual matters are limitless. Because you can and do control these elements of who, what, where, how, and why you are.
By working from your conscious awareness – here and now – you can get and take control of your conscious self and the intentions and actions of all you do. This also puts you in control of your thoughts and feelings – because when you’re actively, presently, consciously aware of them – you can assume control over them and change them as needs be.
Thus, you’re a lot more capable than you allow yourself to recognize.
Odds are, you’re more capable than you know. Give it just a little energy, and I’ll bet you can recall a time that you were more capable and succeeded at something in the past. What did that feel like – and how can you apply it now and do it again?
Mindfulness empowers you to ask, answer, and ultimately do. Because you are capable. More capable, I’d bet, than you consciously recognize.
Can you see that you are ultimately more capable than you realize?
This is the five-hundred and seventy-ninth exploration of my Pathwalking philosophy. These weekly essays are my ideas for – and experiences with – using mindfulness and positivity to walk along a chosen path of life to consciously create reality.
I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world and empower as many people as I can with conscious reality creation.
Thank you for joining me. Feel free to re-post and share this.
The first year of Pathwalking, including expanded ideas, is available here. Check out Amazon for my published fiction and nonfiction works.
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