The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How is Communication Key?

Communication is key. It is super easy to take this for granted.  Sure, people talk, they attempt to converse with one another…but all too often, they don’t truly communicate with each other. What’s the difference?  Communication is a two-way street.  Everyone involved both talks and listens.  There is a certain amount of give-and-take, which will take different forms depending on the people involved. Many of the problems in the world today could be resolved if there was actual, factual communication.

What is Best for You?

Doing what is best for you does not make you a bad person. A lot of people have come to the idea that if they care for themselves or put themselves first, it makes them a bad person.  It looks selfish.  They might feel as if other people will see them in a poor light. Self-care is so, so much more important than we make it, folks.  We need to better care for ourselves, and that means that doing what

Brain Squirrels?

These brain squirrels running around inside my head can be a real annoyance sometimes. Brain squirrels, or for some people brain weasels, are those annoying little rodents running around and causing dis-ease, doubt, distractions, and various negatives to get in the way of just about everything. Working with them can be challenging. I think everyone copes with this in some form or other.  No matter our intent or general thoughts, feelings and actions, these random, little, mostly annoying thoughts just