Not Caring What Others Think Is Hard

It’s especially hard when you wish they saw what you are seeing. Reading the news, even from a level of learning the basics to simply stay informed, is increasingly infuriating. I cannot understand how, in less than a decade, the United States went from progressive, having twice elected the first-ever black president, to this reactionary fascist-inspired nightmare. It seemed like we were entering a golden age of reason, of progress, of a world where greater fairness and equality were both

Your Choices and Decisions Are Everything

Your life is made up of the choices and decisions you do and don’t make. No matter what anyone else tells you, you have the ultimate decision-making power for your life. Nobody else can make you be anyone you don’t desire to be. However, there are circumstances that will interfere. All of them are outside of you. For example, given the current political climate in the USA, you might be enby and unable to be your true self at work.

If You Give Up or Give In, They Win

Do what you can to stay strong. I have massively reduced my time on social media. This is to avoid doomscrolling and doing harm to my mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It’s not that I don’t desire to know what my friends and loved ones are doing. It’s that all the bad news, awful happenings, and ongoing ugliness is disheartening, upsetting, and can move all the way over to terrifying. How in the hell did we get here? After decades

Can You Choose to Shift Your Perspective?

Yes, because your perspective is yours to control. Have you ever watched a movie or TV show and wondered why they chose to shoot the scene at the angle they did? Did you experience an overwhelming desire for them to tilt the angle of the shot in one direction or another, zoom in or out, and otherwise change the perspective? The problem with this is that you can’t change the perspective that was chosen unless you tilt your head a

If You’re Not “Woke” You’re Asleep And/Or Controlled

Let’s just cut through the BS, shall we? Awake, or “woke”, means that you’re present and aware. The opposite would be to be asleep, not present, unaware, and open to being controlled. It really is that simple, my friends. You’re either awake and capable of assuming control or asleep and letting someone else do the driving. That’s what it all comes down to. “Woke”, as such, is in no way, shape, or form, a bad thing. Being awake means you

You Feel What You Feel When You Feel It

Feelings are valid even when they don’t make sense. We live in perhaps the most confounding, incredible, infuriating times imaginable. The human race is connected in ways never before imagined with little to no delay. However, as part of the tools that offer us such amazing connection, humans are more disconnected than ever. This is in part due to confirmation bias being weaponized alongside fear. You’re right that it all sucks and you should blame “them” for it. Because of

Fear Is Always There, But You Can Choose How It Impacts You

Fear is a choice more often than not. In its original incarnation, fear is not a bad thing. That’s because fear in its purest form keeps you alive. Fear of predators, of climbing too high in the trees, of running too gingerly at the edges of cliffs, of swimming too deep into the waves, kept early humankind alive. Really, it’s by the grace of fear that the human race evolved to the place we enjoy now, atop the food chain

They Only Win if You and I Let Them Win

History is not on their side. People do not do well with change. This is especially true when change is swift and feels sudden. The world has, arguably, changed more in the last 100 years than at any other time in history. Arguably, the biggest change is in communications and connectivity. A hundred years ago, you maybe knew what was happening across the state. That is, if you were one of the 20% of the people who had a radio.

How Do I Still Walk My Chosen Path During All This?

Every day is its own. I made a choice to spend way, way less time on social media. Granted, I had already reduced my social media usage over the past couple of years. Now, though, even that time is being cut way down. Yes, you can still find me on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and BlueSky. Hell, despite that new (but not surprising) issues with Meta, I’m doing click-testing with ads as part of a course to help improve my marketing.

When It Feels Like It All Sucks, Can You Find Positivity Anywhere?

Yes, but it probably won’t feel all that positive. If you’re reading this, chances are that today feels like a really awful day. Let’s be honest. A terrible, unkind, hateful, spiteful bigot is swearing an oath we all know he can’t and won’t uphold today. The future of the United States, and the world, feels incredibly, frighteningly uncertain. Even his supporters are feeling the misery, negativity, and depression. He carries it like a badge of honor and doesn’t give a

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