The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Not Choose Positivity Today?

Today is the day. Choosing positivity consciously creates this fact. Why is today any more special than yesterday? Because today is the day. For what? Whatever you choose it to be. No matter where you have come from or what experience you had yesterday – today is a new day. Ergo, you get to choose how today is going to be. While this can feel like a trite, overused, hooky-spooky sentiment – that doesn’t make it any less true. Today

One Day at a Time

Today isn’t yesterday. Tomorrow won’t be today. One day at a time. When I was younger, I was super high-strung. It didn’t take a lot for me to get out-of-sorts. And my temper? Yeah, there were numerous walls and doors over the years I put a fist or foot into in anger. I know I wrecked a whole bunch of my cordless phones by throwing them in my 20s. During my 30s, following the nearly crippling accident that made me

What Will Your Today Look Like?

As you progress on a chosen path, today will be unique. You can decide what it looks like for you. Today is unique. It is the only day of its kind. When today is done it will be gone. Tomorrow is another day. Some people see this as an endless, pointless slog going on and on. Others see most days as bothersome necessities while looking forward to the weekend or some specific event. There will be good days and bad

Will You Live Today?

There is a difference between living today and existing – and it matters. When you look at the outside world – all the stuff going on beyond your direct control – things are nuts. The Presidential election in the US has begun its primaries, and that tends to bring out the worst in people. The UK has left the EU and the consequences of that action are yet to be seen. A nasty virus that could become the next pandemic

When Will Then Be Now?

Exploring how to be present in the moment to consciously create reality with some positivity. One of my favorite comedy movies is Mel Brooks’ Spaceballs. This Star Wars parody features a lot of Ludicrous Speed gags (see what I did there?) silly one-liners, puns, and great characters. There is a great exchange between two of the bad guys, Dark Helmet and Colonel Sanders, that happens as they search for the heroes. For this search, they watch the videocassette of Spaceballs.

Positivity in the Face of “Reality”

Is it possible to find positivity in reality, given current world affairs? Yes. Let’s face it. There is very little good news about the world right now. Australia is burning, and it’s pretty scary. President Trump is threatening to commit war crimes and has illegally assassinated a foreign leader. Climate Change is not being addressed as the threat that it should be. The ultra-wealthy are getting richer at the expense of pretty much everyone else. I could go on, but

Be You for You, Not for Them

You should be you for you and not for them. It is perfectly acceptable to put yourself and your paths in life first. When you are striving to find, create, and live a life of your own choosing, be sure that you are doing it for YOU, and not for someone else’s belief in who you are or who you should be. It is not a bad thing, nor selfish, to put yourself first in your own life. Yet you

Go Confidently in Choosing Your Paths

Go Confidently and Choose Your Path Confidence, real or an act, can have a massive impact on how you walk a given path. When you are walking a path that you have chosen in the process of Pathwalking, it is good to go confidently along the way. Whenever you are tentative and uncertain, it will have an impact on the work that you are doing. It will send a message to the Universe that you are not sure of the

Avoiding Overwhelm While Remaining Informed

To avoid overwhelm while remaining informed is not easy, but utterly necessary for finding and maintaining positivity. Let’s be perfectly honest here. The world you and I live in today is complicated, and all-too-often full of fear, lack, scarcity, and overall negativity. All you have to do is scroll through social media. Doing so, you will see memes and links to articles about any number of terrible things going on. It can be thoroughly disheartening, infuriating, annoying, maddening, and all

Why or Why Not?

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Do you ever find that you are asking yourself why or why not a lot? Often the topic can be similar, but it’s just a matter of approach.  Why take that chance?  Why not take that chance? Why is a question we ask constantly, pretty much all of our lives.  Why is the sky blue?  Why are those people holding hands?  Why did he/she/they dump me?  And