The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What Do You Desire for Today?

What will I find that I desire for today? Though today may have many similarities to yesterday, it will still be different. That’s because every single day of our lives is unique.  I know that that doesn’t always feel true, but it absolutely is. The ambient temperature, humidity and pressure are different.  We likely are wearing different clothing.  What we eat will vary.  Yes, these are all really small, seemingly insignificant things, but the devil is in the details.  All

Why are Rest and Relaxation Important?

When was the last time you allowed yourself real rest and relaxation? I am not talking about sleep, or a little weekend escape, I mean actual, factual relaxation and resting from your responsibilities? Modern society frowns on taking breaks.  We have this incessant need to go go go, and anybody who doesn’t reflect that is either lazy, entitled, or otherwise not contributing to the greater good. Is that total bullshit, or what? Yes, the human body needs to rest.  Sleep

Working With Conflicting Emotions?

I am holding onto a lot of conflicting emotions that do not serve me. There is a great deal of anger, resentment, fear, and other negative feelings built up inside me.  Even after all this time, knowing like I do that consciousness creates reality, like attracts like, and low vibe draws more low vibe, I am holding onto exactly what I do not need. The conflicting emotions originate from a few different places.  All of them are my own reaction

What Are Lost Days?

Lost days happen from time to time. There were plans.  Ideas were plotted out.  And then, things happened…and before I know it the day has flown by.  It’s after five, and everything I have planned out hasn’t come to pass. Then, just to add a little more fun to it for my own entertainment, I have been struggling with writing this post. Before I get annoyed, or start along a downward spiral, it’s important to acknowledge that lost days will

What Tone Will You Set For Today?

I get to set the tone for my day. Will it be a good day?  A bad day?  Will it be a productive day?  Is this going to be a day of total time mismanagement?  I alone know and choose what it will be.  It’s entirely up to me. It can be really easy to forget, when all is said and done, that we are in control of our emotions.  Yes, things happen outside of our control that could trigger

What Will You Do Today?

Today will be what we make of it. Whether you begin your day feeling refreshed or sleepy; excited or anxious; with apprehension or confidence – today will be what you and I make it out to be. It is easy to forget that each day brings about something new.  Yes, there are routines to every single day of our lives.  We wake, we do stuff, we sleep.  Frequently, we simply allow the day to just happen.  We do not accept

Life is Energy

Life is energy, and energy is life. When we lose people dear to us, their energy has not gone…it has been transmuted back to the Universe. We will miss the people we care about when they leave us.  Their energy may be gone from our lives, but it is not truly gone.  Energy can never be created nor destroyed, just transformed into a new form. As I am sitting at my desk writing this, I am witnessing the sun rising

How Can I Best Use Time?

Time is relative.  Our perception of it is variable, fluctuates, and changes depending on how much attention we are paying to it. Einstein told us that time is an illusion.  More specifically, he said, “The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.”  Yet our whole society obsesses over these distinctions. Last week, I wrote about my tendency to always put my work on conscious reality creation ahead of me.  Not in the here-and-now, but

What if you can only feel Negativity today?

Everyone has bad days.  Everyone experiences relentless negativity. No matter how hard we try, no matter the attitude shifters or positive things for our awareness we work to use, there are going to be bad days. While I created these weekly posts to generate positivity, in order to help myself and anyone reading along, I acknowledge that there are days it simply does not work.  No matter what we employ, no matter what we try, this day is terrible. There

What Did You Learn Today?

You learn something new every day. This is not just some cliché phrase, it’s literally true.  Some things we learn are huge and life changing, but most are minute and easy to overlook. One of the greatest joys of life is that there is always something new to be learned.  Because there is always something new to learn, virtually no situation is impossible or irreparable.  We simply may be lacking in the necessary knowledge. Learning is often tied in with