The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Change is Opportunity

Change is opportunity. Since change is inevitable, and we can choose to embrace change or not, we get to decide if it is bad luck…or an opportunity. How does this work?  Change is opportunity because it is a chance for something new and different.  It might be a fresh start, it might be a shift, great or small, that can be used to take on a new direction or do different things. I believe that if more people saw change

Why “To Decide” is Very Important to Crossing the Bridges of Life

If I don’t bother to decide, I leave my fate up to my subconscious. Sure, I could blame outside influences or circumstances or what-have-you.  But the truth is that when I don’t make conscious decisions, my subconscious is driving the bus. This can be a particularly complicated concept to grasp.  Probably the biggest reason why is because we live in a society that lacks accountability. Our government is the perfect example of this fact.  At almost every level, nobody takes