The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

We Need Acceptance Over Tolerance

Tolerance is insufficient – but acceptance is empowering. When it comes to differences among people, the word tolerance gets thrown around a lot. Tolerance gets applied to tangible differences, like skin color, hair color, body type, sex, and so on. But frequently, it gets applied to intangible differences. This includes sexual orientation, gender, religion, nationality, politics, and the like. Tolerance, however, is insufficient. Why? Because it implies negativity. As in – “well, I don’t like that – but I’ll tolerate

My Way is Mine – Your Way is Yours – Is There Common Ground?

Just because my way is mine doesn’t mean we can’t find some common ground (within reason). We are closing in on having 8 billion people on this planet. Let me write that out – that’s 8,000,000,000 people. Let’s say you know, personally, 100 people total. Maybe not well, but for the sake of argument, it’s a good round number. That means that you know 0.00000000125 of the total number of people on this planet. That’s a SUPER small number of

The Negativity is Loud

While the negativity is loud, is it NOT more abundant than positivity. There are a lot of terrible things happening in the world today. The deluge of information makes us feel uncertain, scared, confused, angry, and almost every-other negative emotion you can conjure. It can be hard to believe that there isn’t more negativity than positivity in the world today. That’s not the truth, however. There are more good/positive things in the world – and in your life – than

This Is Good Because…

Finding the good in the middle of the bad. The current reality in which we are living is distressing, depressing, uncertain, and confusing as all get out. None of us have experienced something like this in our lifetime. The global pandemic has us taking extreme measures. We are sheltering in place, social distancing, and severely limiting how much time we spend in public, even of necessity. (Or at least – we should be.) Yes, there are some for whom nothing

Positivity Is the Best Offensive

In difficult times you need to choose the right offensive This has, thus far, been one of the most bizarre years of my life. I am not alone, because that which is impacting me is impacting you, too. It began with the always insane election process and the various ugliness that produces, whatever side you take. Of course, the whole climate change issue looms in the background to varying degrees. Then a virus becomes center-stage, and everyone is taking drastic

Positivity Sets Your Frequency

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Positivity can raise your frequency to improve life daily. Everything is energy. Whether it is the smallest subatomic particle or the largest star in the cosmos, the base of everything is energy. All energy vibrates and vibrates at a frequency. Like an older radio with a dial, you can tune into various frequencies, and sometimes you will get static while other times you get signal. Higher frequency

How Do We Think Individually?

No two people think alike. As I ponder this notion, it occurs to me that if we recognized this fact, we could truly change the world for the better.  If we embraced the differences in how we think, we’d better understand the world around us. Let’s look at the Big Picture.  Those who hold artificial positions of power.  And yes, I mean artificial.  Those who lead our nations, our churches and temples, our businesses are in power because they have

How Does Thought Drive the Universe?

Thought is one of the main driving forces of the Universe. Everything that ever was, currently is, or ever shall be begins with thought.  Somewhere there was an idea that led to a feeling from which action was taken.  Thus is reality as we know it made manifest. There are certain aspects of our reality that are completely universal.  The sun, moon and stars, air, water, earth, and so on.  But even these can be altered by thought.  There are

How Does Being Aware Take Me Across The Bridges?

For me, being aware of my mindset, mindful of what I am thinking and feeling, is the key to creating what I truly desire from this life. Conscious reality creation is the ultimate gift humankind has.  The other animals on this planet, no matter how intelligent they may be, don’t have the same capacity to create as we do.  We are the only animals that can build tools to allow us to travel anywhere across the globe, infinitely expand our

Can Consciousness Create Reality?

Consciousness creates reality when we work to be aware of our thoughts, feelings and subsequent actions. All too often, most of us get caught up in our day-to-day activities.  There are patterns and routines each of us follows.  Before you realize It, you may find yourself just going along with things, and finding that you are dissatisfied because you are seeing more things you don’t want than things you do want. We are living in a fear-based society.  Everywhere you