You can Always Choose Something – Right, Wrong, Big, Small, or Whatever
There is massive positivity in knowing you can always choose something, no matter the situation.

I’ve had many experiences in my life where it felt like I had few to no choices available.
Or worse, there were choices – and they were all bad. Or at least felt bad and less than optimum at the time.
But so long as you are alive, you can always choose something.
It’s easy, however, to lose sight of this.
Many of the leaders of the world place artificial limits on us all. That’s because lack, limitation, and scarcity disempower the masses – while empowering a small few.
That’s part of why our fear-based society is perpetuated as it is. Fear is a great way to keep people in line.
And what better way to do that than by limiting choices? Reduce choices – or make them super narrow – and you have control.
For example – on the scale of American national politics – there are 2 parties. Often, that leaves people with an incredibly divisive choice. Then, both sides bash the other and tell you how much they will make you suffer (real and imagined) if they get power. And we’re so convinced that these are the only two options – that there are exactly 2 independents out of 535 senators and congresspeople.
Who is in power? Who limits us to only 2 choices? Those already in power.
But the truth is – there ARE 2 independents. Which means there ARE more choices available. Thus – the lack and scarcity we’re fed are shown to be a lie.
This example notwithstanding, the point is that you can always choose something. But you must decide to choose.
You alone control you
How many people claim they have no choice? How many barely plausible criminal defenses are made regarding having had “no choice” in the matter?
While it’s true that you and I can’t make anyone else do anything we might bid them to do – we do have the ultimate control of our own lives. Thus, we control what we choose – or not.
So long as you are living and breathing, you have choices available to you. But only you can truly choose for yourself.
If you see lack, scarcity, and insufficiency in the Universe – that’s probably what you experience. When you expect that life’s terrible, and your options are limited – that’s often what you get.
Yet when all is said and done – your life belongs to you. You, and you alone, control you.
I am not denying many people have it hard. For one reason or another, you might be going through some things, having bad experiences, and being stuck in a rut. Things happen we can’t control that will negatively impact us mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and even physically.
However, ultimately, you decide how that will play out.
Attitude goes a long way towards experience. If you have a poor attitude, a negative mindset, and believe in a Universe of lack and scarcity – more often than not, that’ll be your life experience.
This is utterly within your control. That’s because you alone control yourself. Specifically, your conscious awareness. Your thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions are under your control alone.
That control is the ultimate control.
You always choose something for you
Every single day you make choices. Big and small, right and wrong, significant and insignificant, you choose.
It’s easy to overlook many because they’re habitual and/or otherwise subconscious. Getting out of bed in the morning, brushing your teeth, eating, taking pills, drinking coffee – each of these are choices you make. Thus, you can choose not to get of bed, not brush your teeth and eat, take no pills, and drink tea instead of coffee. All are things you choose or not.
I decided to sit down at my computer and write this post. Yes, I could have chosen to not bother with it, put it off, or scroll through social media instead. But I chose to write this article.
A lot of the things that we choose don’t seem terribly important or significant. But you still get to choose more frequently than you realize. And that’s why you always choose something for you.
What if you’re unhappy with choices you’ve made? It’s important to recognize that the past has passed, and you can’t do anything about that. Choices made in the past cannot be undone, redone, or otherwise erased.
But with very, very few exceptions – you can make a new choice in the present. You always choose something.
However, because of the instant gratification nature of our world – choices without immediate results often feel powerless. Yet that’s not true. Tomorrow is made of the choices today more than those of yesterday.
Yes, you won’t know the outcome immediately. But even if it’s not what you desire – so long as you’re alive, you can choose again.

Practice mindfulness
The best way to actively change your life experience is via mindfulness. Mindfulness is conscious awareness of the here-and-now.
That awareness, turned inwards, informs you what you’re thinking, what and how you are feeling, and what intentions exist in your action. That, then, empowers you – because you choose something for you via conscious awareness that comes from mindfulness.
What’s more, mindfulness opens the door to your subconscious mind. That’s where values, beliefs, and habits live. Since many of those are based on choices made long ago – access to them now lets you change, remove, replace, and alter them.
All it takes is asking a few simple questions.
- What am I thinking?
- What am I feeling?
- How am I feeling?
- What am I doing and what’s the intent behind that?
Each question makes you mindful of yourself. That, in turn, puts you in control of yourself. This shows you how you always choose something for yourself. Now it’s a question of conscious or subconscious choice.
Is it really that simple? Yes – but – it’s an ongoing practice. This can’t be done once and ignored. It needs to be chosen constantly. While that might seem a bit overwhelming – ultimately, it’s empowering.
Right or wrong, big or small, good or bad – you always choose something. That’s a matter of positivity because it means you can choose how you approach life every day.
Deciding to always choose something isn’t hard
It begins with mindfulness of our thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions.
Knowing that you make constant, frequent choices all the time – you can choose just what those are, good, bad, positive, negative, etc. When we choose to work with that and approach life from a place of abundance rather than lack or scarcity, that ultimately empowers us all.
When you are empowered, your mindfulness increases, you become more aware overall, and that gets reflected and spreads to other people. This creates a feedback loop of awareness and positivity – a feedback loop everyone can take part in.
Then, together, we build more positive feelings and discover further reasons to feel positivity and gratitude. That becomes the impetus to improve our lives for the better, help overcome the overwhelming negativity of any current situation, and generate even more positivity and gratitude.
An attitude of gratitude is an attitude of pure positivity. That positivity can generate even greater positive energies – and that is ultimately empowering for all.
Everyone is worthy and deserving of all the good we desire.
This is the four hundred and seventh entry of my Positivity series. It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.
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