The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Do You Know That You Are Amazing?

You are an amazing individual.

No, really.  I might not know you in the slightest, but I can honestly tell you that you are an amazing person.  We may disagree about any number of topics, we may have totally different and diametrically opposed backgrounds, but I can still tell you that you are an amazing individual.

You Are AmazingPeople tend to not give themselves enough credit.  We look for our faults, we work on the things about ourselves that are flawed…but this is backwards.  Working from the negative does not help to build more positive.

American culture in particular stresses how inadequate our lives are.  We need the better car, bigger home, fitter body and so on.  We look to all of our flaws, our shortcomings and the things that are lacking, and we give that a tremendous amount of energy and thought, feeling and even action.

Consciousness creates reality.  Negativity begets further negativity.  When you are looking for the imperfections, the problems and the flaws – you will constantly find more.  Does this strike you as backwards as it strikes me?  Why give the energy to negativity, when what we in fact want is positivity?

We all find ourselves alone from time to time.  When we are alone, we tend to look at the problems we have faced, the hardships, the issues that need to be repaired and worked on.  But what we really should focus on is our abilities, our skills, good things we do for ourselves and our friends and loved ones.

We should put that energy not towards all the negative things we find in ourselves, but rather to the positive.  Focus on what an amazing individual you are, all that you are capable of doing and achieving, and don’t give that energy to your perceived shortcomings.

Know how amazing you are.

The trap that we often fall into is the feeling of selfishness.  We have become utterly self-conscious about things we do being perceived as selfish.  Thus we take selflessness to a place where we often do, in fact, lose track of the self.  We get so concerned with how others might perceive us that we instead look for the imperfections and flaws in ourselves, so that we can actively avoid anything that might come across as selfish.

Amazing, you areConsciousness creates reality.  I cannot stress that point enough.  When you look for and give power to negative perceptions of the self, you actually get even more of those.

It is time to step back, and recognize ourselves for all the amazing things we have to offer.  This is not an act of bragging or selfishness, it is an act of recognizing the positive, giving that more energy and attention so that we can drive out negativity and feel good.

When all is said and done isn’t this what we most want?  Don’t we prefer to feel good, to feel happy?  Are these positive or negative feelings?

Please take a moment not to look at the money you need to find, the weight you need to lose or anything else negative about your life.  Instead, recognize, acknowledge and give energy to the amazing individual you are.  Your talents, your creativity, your strengths, your ability to love and be loved.

Explore all the positive about yourself and energize that rather than the negative.  You ARE amazing.

Finding positivity is not hard, but it does require action.

Knowing that you are an amazing person, you can build off of that premise.  When we examine our strengths, our talents, abilities, our capacity to do everything we can do and more, we empower ourselves.  When we feel empowered, we frequently spread that feeling to others around us; as such, we can build more positive feelings in the collective consciousness.  We can use the positive feelings this generates to dissolve negative feelings.  When we take away negative feelings, we open up space to let in positive feelings, and that is something we can be grateful for.  Gratitude leads to happiness.  Happiness is the ultimate positive attitude.  Positive attitude begets positive energy, and that is always a good thing.


This is the two-hundred and fifth entry of my Positivity series.  It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone.  Feel free to share, re-blog and spread the positivity.

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