Will You Be Silent?
Do not be silent when you need to shout.
See atrocities happening? Feel angry, distressed, disturbed, incensed? Make your voice be heard, and tell them this will not stand.
We are being bombarded by almost surreal amounts of negativity. There are some pretty terrible things happening out there, and they cannot be ignored. No matter how much we try to stay away from all this bad news, it is impossible not to recognize the awful things that are happening.
Hard to be working on consciously creating my own reality, when it feels so very selfish in the face of this.
While the idea of conscious reality creation might feel selfish, the truth is, it’s not. This is not a selfish act, it is an act of self-actualization. We use making choices about the life we desire to lead as a means to a greater, more empowered end.
When we feel more empowered, we are better able to empower others. Like attracts like, consciousness creates reality.
From a place of empowerment, we can do more to change the world.
I know that this feels untrue. It feels as if putting our own desires in the front might make us no better than our awful, so-called leaders. But because this idea is one built on abundance, rather than lack and scarcity, and because it is not so that we can hoard everything for ourselves while denying good for others – we are not causing more harm.
The US Government is currently sanctioning some terrible things. The deplorable separation of children from their families, withdrawing from the UN Human Rights Council, and all the other lies and selfish actions are not something we can be silent about. Resistance is not futile, and it is an ongoing process.
Do not be silent about making change
When we strive to control change in our own lives, we actually better create the ability to change the world around us. However, it’s important to recognize where your change is based, as well as where it is coming from.
One of the primary reasons for the awfulness behind the government’s actions is their use of lack and scarcity to cause fear, so that they can take control. There is not enough to go around, the “other” will take it all away from you, so we need to stop them. That’s the excuse for the ludicrous wall, and these other atrocities. They have “the power” and will do everything they can think of to keep it.
I strive to not get too political with these posts, but I cannot be silent about what I am seeing. Complacency leads to far worse than we have going now. The “other” currently is immigrants in the US. It doesn’t take much for that to shift to you and me for some bullshit reason or other.
I have been working for the past several years on shifting my own mindset to an abundance mentality. Because the truth of it all is that we DO live in an abundant universe. All lack and scarcity are of our own creation. Look more closely at the lack in the world today. Most of it comes from so-called “leaders” of the world disempowering others for their own selfish gains.
If we worked together and showed one another more kindness, rather than fighting over our perceived differences, we could feed the world, power the world, and advance far beyond where we are now.
Utopian idea on my part? Maybe. But do you really prefer how we approach this now?
Do not be silent from fear
Fear is an incredible weapon. Those in power love to employ fear in order to hold and grow their power. We practically bathe in it as a society.
This is why we cannot be silent. There are plenty of people who buy into the fear that our so-called leaders are selling. No matter how much we show them how awful this truly is, they have bought it, and think the rest of us are nuts to think otherwise. The fear has wrapped them in a down comforter, and they will not unwrap from the familiar and comforting cocoon.
The only people we can change is ourselves. However, when we change for the better, we often inspire those around us to do the same. If we think, feel and act in fear and from a place of lack and scarcity, is it any surprise we just get more? This is why we not only cannot be silent, but we need to better recognize coming from a place of abundance, and thinking, feeling and acting in confidence and encouragement.
While we work on manifesting better personal realities, we also can call and write the government, vote in the elections, march in the protests, and work together to make positive change. When we show them that we will not live in fear, and that the world is truly abundant, we can create a better world for everyone.
Never be silent when you need to shout
The frustration, disappointment and disgust with what is happening to the United States is something I need to express. If I keep holding it in, it’s going to just stress me out. When I stress out, I get depressed, and that will not allow me to manifest any good for myself, let alone anyone else.
We need to be aware of what is happening, but we also need to have balance. We need to be in the know, but not inundated by all the negativity of it. Be mindful, and work more on being in the here-and-now, because this is the place from which we can best control and create change and personal growth.
Unsurprisingly, this is a challenge. But together, we can do this.
Will you be silent in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges?
This is the three-hundred thirty-eighth entry in my series. These weekly posts are ideas for, and my personal experiences with, walking along the path of life. I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world along the way.
Thank you for joining me. Feel free to re-blog and share.
The first year of Pathwalking, including some expanded ideas, is available here.
After more than 6 years of Pathwalking, I have launched a Patreon to garner support for these works, and more.