Why Is It Good That There Are NO Absolutes in Life?
Because no absolutes means endless possibilities.

There are always extremes.
For every good there’s bad. Every up has a down. Positivity is mirrored by negativity. Liberals face off against conservatives. Extremes are on either end of a given spectrum (whether you compare via a coin, flexible cylinder, or what have you).
The extremes rarely, if ever, exist alone. There’s a ginormous amount of color and grey between them. Yet you’re often being lumped into one group or another. Or getting compared as part of this or that.
While some of your views, ideals, beliefs, and values might align – there is never, ever, a one-size-fits-all solution. In other words – there are no absolutes in life.
And that’s a really good thing.
Why? Because that means when you are on an inevitable downswing in life – there’s an upswing to be found. Potential and possibilities.
Sure, they might not be visible in present circumstances. But circumstances can, do, and frankly will, change.
Change is, after all, the one and only constant in the Universe.
Maybe today sucks – but that’s today
The problem with absolutes is the implication – sometimes overt, sometimes subtle – that that’s all there is. This absolute is it. This is the way – and that’s all you get.
But the truth is that there are NO absolutes. None. Nada. Zilch. Zero.
Why? Because of the constancy of change.
Yes, that mountain has been there for tens of thousands of years. But it’s still changing – just very, very slowly.
You are always changing. Like the mountain, you’re often changing very, very slowly.
But that’s why there are no absolutes. Even those that are proven scientific theorems today might be undone by new data and deeper knowledge tomorrow.
And that’s fantastic. For the simple reason that because there are no absolutes, maybe if today sucks – tomorrow won’t automatically suck, too.
Just because you’re experiencing bad now doesn’t mean that’s all there is. Your terrible experience won’t be your only experience. Just one of many, at some point or other, between any given extremes.
Absolutes make certain things seemingly easier. Take politics, for example. There is nobody who is totally, utterly, and absolutely liberal nor totally, utterly, and absolutely conservative. Maybe mostly one or the other, but absolutely? No. This is where the one-size-fits-all, no-substitutions menu of modern political parties fails us all.
But recognizing and acknowledging that there are no absolutes is utterly empowering.
No absolutes empowers the many
One of the biggest problems that comes from absolutes are notions of lack, scarcity, and insufficiency tied to them.
If you are not part of extreme group ‘x’, you will be left out, and lose out on this, that, or the other thing. Oh, and “those guys” from extreme group ‘y’ are totally out to get you and deny you your rightful entitlements and blah, blah, blah.
It looks ludicrous when you approach it that way. But almost all political messages, major advertising campaigns, and religions are built on that notion, whether blatantly or subtly.
You, and most of the people you know, don’t exist at an extreme. You live somewhere between the extremes. For example, you exist between positivity and negativity. Maybe you’re closer to one end or the other – or face one end more than the other. But you most likely don’t exist at either extreme (or even if you do for a time, that time is limited).
Extremes are absolutes. When it comes to you and me, we’re not a given absolute. But that’s also true of everyone, everywhere.
When you recognize that there are no absolutes, it empowers you. Why? Because it opens the way to almost endless potential and possibilities.
Absolutes imply – and sometimes state outright – there is no other option. This absolute is all that is, all that was, and all that ever will be. But that’s simply not true.
Is the world as it is now how it was 20 years ago? How about 50 years ago? One hundred years ago? No. Because there are no absolutes – so everything has changed.

How does this empower you?
The notion of an absolute and nothing but that absolute removes choices. But when you recognize there are no absolutes, the choices before you increase exponentially.
Empowerment isn’t given to you by some outside force. You’re empowered by being alive.
Every day you make choices and decisions. Most are fairly automatic and mundane, like when to get out of bed, what to eat, what to wear, the music you play, videos you watch, people you spend time with, and so on. Largely, these barely get a second thought – but they’re constant, ongoing, and ever-changing.
Most attention is given to the big choices. Moving to new places, relationships, large purchases, and the like. What’s more, the collective consciousness frequently gives all its attention to this as well. Thus, it appears you’re only empowered to make choices on these rare occasions.
Nothing could be further from the truth. You are always empowered. Every. Single. Day. There are always choices and options available to you and for you. And you are empowered to choose them.
Because there are no absolutes, nothing in your life is absolute. Sure, it might seem like certain aspects of your life are set and not up for debate. But that’s not true. However, they might come with greater challenges or pain in being changed.
Maybe you can’t just quit your job and move across the country. Or can you? You are empowered to decide this. But you have no control over how others will react to your choices, nor can you predict what’s necessarily best for you.
But that’s not what’s important. What’s important is that there are no absolutes, and you are empowered to make choices and decisions for all aspects of your life.
Just recognizing the lack of absolutes empowers you.
Recognizing that there are NO absolutes isn’t hard
It’s all about working with mindfulness of your thoughts, feelings, and intentions to direct your actions.
When you recognize that nothing is written in stone and there are no absolutes, you open yourself to incredible amounts of potential and possibilities. Knowing that you exist between any given extremes – and the absolutes they represent – lets you see that all the choices and decisions for your life are yours to make – with both greater and lesser difficulty.
This empowers you – and in turn, your empowerment can empower others around you. Then that can expand to change the bigger picture matters, too.
Taking an approach to positivity and negativity – from the vast cylinder that exists between them – shifts matters in a way to open more dialogue. In that form, you can explore and share where you are between the extremes and how that impacts you here and now.
Choosing thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions for yourself employs positivity for realizing amazing potential and possibilities for your life.
Lastly, the better aware you are of yourself in the now, the more you can do to choose and decide how your life experiences will be. When that empowers you, it can also open those around you to their empowerment.
To me, that’s a worthwhile endeavor to explore and share.
Thank you for coming along on this journey.
This is the four hundred and seventy-fifth entry of my Positivity series. I hope that these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.
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