Why Choose Positivity?
Because choosing positivity empowers you.

Every day, you have choices.
Get out of bed or sleep in? Oatmeal or yogurt for breakfast? Make or order lunch? Steak or chicken for dinner? Go to bed at 10 or 11?
These choices are frequent, constant, and seemingly insignificant. But they are neither inconsequential nor insignificant.
Life is all about choices. Great or small, everything you choose impacts everything you do.
For example – let’s say you sleep in. And sleep past your alarm. Now, your morning routine is shot, you’re in a rush, and it sets a pace for the day of constant hurry and feeling – whether you are or not – behind. That one choice impacted your entire day.
Why does that matter? Because that for an entire day you felt off, out of control, and probably unbalanced. One choice changed almost every aspect of your overall day.
Many of the choices before us are relatively neutral. They are neither good nor bad, positive nor negative – they just are. The aforementioned “get out of bed or sleep in” falls into this category.
However, while the choice at hand might be neutral – the consequences likely are not. I know, for example, that on multiple occasions I chose to sleep in. More often than not, that led to missing my alarm. The scenario above – of a day thrown off completely – transpired. A whole day got wasted as such.
Recognizing this – I now know that choosing to ignore the alarm and sleep in is likely to have negative consequences. Weighing the negative of sleeping in over the positive of getting up – in the long-term rather than the immediate – the more positive outcome is obvious. It’s clearer which is the better choice.
Choosing positivity, as such, is choosing the be empowered.
Mindfulness of the moment
To be fair – sometimes you need to sneak in that extra sleep. Sometimes the morning routine is not the more positive option. But this is where mindfulness of the moment comes into play.
If 7/10 times that I sleep in, rather than get out of bed, I miss my alarm – then I know the probable consequence of my choice. Odds are – 70% – that I will throw my whole day off. Is it worth it to take that chance? Will the extra sleep rather than getting out of bed be worth wrecking the whole rest of my day?
The answer may be yes. But, knowing the greater possibility of no, the choice is mine.
Mindfulness is analysis in the here-and-now of my mindset/headspace/psyche. Granted, a bit more challenging when you just wake up – but still doable.
And, if I know the odds-on favorite for a day of negativity is to not get out of bed – then I can choose positivity and get up.
Too simple? It is. And it’s the simplicity of the empowerment that comes from choosing positivity that makes it worthwhile.
You face too much disempowerment already
Everywhere you turn, someone is trying to disempower you. Some of these disempowering things are active – but most are passive.
For example – advertisers disempower you. How? By toying with your emotions. Feel bad, undesirable, and left out. Unless you buy the chips, the shoes, the car, the insurance, or what-have-you.
News media disempowers you. How? Again, they toy with your emotions and make you feel outrage, anger, frustration, and other negatives over matters you have very little to no control of.
Bosses, coworkers, teachers, even friends disempower you. How? By demanding things of you and threatening to harm you or cause suffering if you don’t deliver. Meet this deadline or lose your bonus. Help me with my workload or I will never help you with yours again. Do the assignment wrong and get a bad grade – risk failing class. Give up your time for me or else you show I am not valued.
Many of the disempowering things we encounter are not malicious, of ill-intent, or necessarily bad. But they create lack and limitation – and cause us to accept less than our true worth and value.
When you have a choice – you get to choose empowerment or disempowerment. Positivity or negativity. Why choose positivity? Because positivity empowers you.

Why choose positivity?
You are worthy and deserving of being empowered.
There are almost 8 billion people on this planet. Nobody is greater nor lesser than anyone else. All of us are here to experience everything we can, learn as much as we desire, and live as fully as possible.
Positivity empowers. It is an open door, a window to the world, an option that feels good, right, and true.
I am not talking about positivity with blinders, rose-colored glasses, or a no-negativity Pollyanna world. That’s toxic positivity. No, I am talking about positivity in the realm of mindfulness. Positivity that informs your thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions.
When things are bad, positivity is seeking and finding good to supplant them. In the dark, positivity is seeking and finding the light. Thus, you need the negative to find the positive.
Choosing positivity empowers you because you make a choice. Rather than let negativity, unwanted happenings, or circumstances control you – you choose.
Choosing negativity disempowers because it’s the equivalent of giving up and admitting defeat. Fine, I can’t do it. Everything is crap. There is no hope. Why bother? Can you see how disempowering choosing that is?
Choosing positivity, on the other hand, empowers because it’s the equivalent of persevering and keeping on. I can do it. Everything is figureoutable. There is hope. It’s doable. Can you see how empowering choosing that is?
When you actively, mindfully choose positivity, you choose to take back your empowerment. The empowerment that is your birthright.
You are worthy and deserving
Maybe I know you – and maybe not. But either way, I know this: You are worthy and deserving of living life to the fullest. No matter where you are, where you came from, past choices, and decisions – you are worthy and deserving of taking control over your life.
Empowerment is limited to you alone. I can’t control you any more than you can control me. But I have total control over myself. Specifically, over my thoughts, feelings, actions, intentions, and their impact on my mindset/headspace/psyche self.
When all is said and done – that’s the only control anyone has. And it’s enough because that control empowers us.
Choosing positivity acknowledges that power and control. That choice determines numerous matters great and small. No matter who you are – you are worthy and deserving of that.
So long as you do no intentional harm in what you choose – it’s a worthy choice. Don’t fear the possibility and potential. You are empowered to do virtually anything you can conceive of. And that is as worthy and deserving of you as you are of it.
Choosing positivity isn’t hard
It begins with mindfulness of your thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions.
Knowing that nearly every situation you face, every day, comes with a choice – you can decide if you will choose positivity or negativity. Even when it’s not apparent in the moment – you can use mindfulness to see what choices will have a positive versus a negative outcome. When we spend the time and energy on this – and actively strive to choose positivity – that ultimately empowers us.
When you feel empowered, your mindfulness increases, you become more aware overall, and that gets reflected and spreads to more people. This creates a feedback loop of awareness and positivity. A feedback loop we can all take part in.
Then, we build more positive feelings and discover further reasons to feel positivity and gratitude. That can be the impetus to improve numerous aspects of our lives for the better, help overcome the overwhelming negativity of any current situation, and generate yet more positivity and gratitude.
You, me, and everybody are worthy and deserving of all the good we desire.
An attitude of gratitude is an attitude of pure positivity. That positivity can generate even greater positive energies – and that is always worthwhile.
This is the three-hundred and ninety-first entry of my Positivity series. It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.
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