Who Wants to Feel Good?
Clearly, fewer and fewer people want positivity or to feel good.

It is time to accept the truth, and I am going to do that here.
Nobody wants to feel good.
Everywhere you turn its bad news, terrible things, division, hatred, anger, and on and on. Spend 5 minutes on Facebook and you will receive a ton of negative messages.
The negativity only seems to get bigger and bigger. Clearly, I am in the minority with my work to find and/or create positivity. It’s obvious that people prefer not to feel good, and to be negative rather than positive.
Why else would you share negative things? Can you explain the negative campaigns on the part of most politicians any other way? To feel good must not be wanted by more and more people.
Rather than fight it, let’s go with it. I am going to share ways you can feel worse.
A comprehensive list of ways to feel bad
Since it is clear nobody wants to feel good, let’s instead focus on some negativity, and ways to feel bad more and more.
This list is not the end-all-be-all, but a good starting point.
- Work the most boring job you can
- Don’t communicate with people
- Never say I love you
- Find ways to get bruises, cuts, and burns
- Tell yourself you suck
- Believe that “they” are out to get you
- Spew hate at other people
- Be rude
- Don’t bother to be kind or courteous
- Interrupt other people and their conversations
- Brag, self-aggrandize, and practice acts of narcissism
- Believe in Trump and his lies
All of these will make you feel awful. They involve a huge amount of negativity, and they will not just make you miserable – but those around you will feel miserable, too.
As an added bonus, they might avoid you, abandon you, or start finding excuses to be nowhere near you. Congrats – that will make you feel bad.
It’s easier not to feel good, right?
If you spend any time on social media whatsoever, it’s really clear that negativity and feeling bad are more desired than positivity and feeling good.
Why? I am guessing it must just be easier to give in to negativity and feeling bad. Why else would people choose not to be mindful, not to empower themselves, and to keep spreading all the negativity? Must be easier, right?
Why bother feeling good? What does it get you? Obviously, as you look at the world around you, you will be ostracized and kicked off the island for bothering, since everyone else isn’t.
So, you might as well just feel bad and roll with the negativity. That way, you won’t be disappointed as things get shittier, nor will you feel at all responsible for yourself or those you care about – because it’s not your fault the world is an awful, no good, feel bad, negative place.
The effort of trying to be a beacon of light and hope is exhausting. When you are bombarded by all the bad, all the negative, it’s like trying to feel good is just lame. Stupid. Weak.
You only get one shot to live in that meat-popsicle you call your body, so it might as well be terrible, miserable, and unpleasant. Because that’s how it’s supposed to be, right?
Clearly, fewer and fewer people want positivity or to feel good. Why else are negativity and things that make you feel bad dominant?

Resistance is futile – you will be assimilated
The Borg had it right. And they won. How many worlds did they conquer and overrun in Star Trek? They totally got Earth, too.
No, wait – they didn’t. They lost.
In fact, the one race they consistently lost to were humans. Humans from a culture that moved away from being materialistic and fear-based into one that was logic and reason-based.
That’s just sci-fi, not an actual possibility, right? I mean, come on, who wants to live in a world where people stop caring about money, where fear isn’t the dominant way, and abundance overwhelms lack and scarcity? What fever-dream is this?
Truth be told, the notion of feeling good and a reason-based society is utterly made-up. This idea only exists in fiction and never happens in reality.
Look at history. The oligarchs always win. Revolutions never topple authoritarian regimes. The poor are always crushed by the wealthy. Underclasses never get any power.
So why resist the negativity and feeling bad – it never worked before. Why would such a thing work now? Resistance never works. The dominant remains dominant. Empires never fall, totalitarians never pay the price, and we have always lived in a fear-based feel bad society.
Wait a minute. Why do I think most of that is completely wrong? Probably because it’s not the truth.
Who Wants to Feel Good?
I am going to go out on a limb here and say that YOU do. I know that I do. And no, this isn’t about an all-the-time, constant, never-ending feel good. This is feeling good more frequently than feeling bad.
Resistance is NOT futile. The fear-based, feel bad society we live in hasn’t always been like this. THAT is why being a beacon of light in the dark is worthwhile.
I reject the messages of negativity, lack, scarcity, and a world on the verge of collapse. Yes, I know that the world IS changing – and that’s not a bad thing. But rather than let it change into something worse – more negative, less reason to feel good – I am going to continue to preach the power of positivity.
Further, I will continue to practice mindfulness for more conscious reality creation to generate reasons to think good, feel good, and do good.
What if I am wrong? I suspect nothing – though, in time, perhaps packs of wild, unhappy, negative people might tear me to shreds. C’est la vie. In the meantime – I will continue to find and/or create some positivity and reason to feel good.
What about you? Will you join the resistance – or go ahead and accept the lack, scarcity, negativity, world-view, and feel bad?
Finding negativity isn’t hard – just ignore consciousness of thought, feeling, and action
Knowing that you can feel bad and negative with little to no effort, all you have to do is let your subconscious do the driving and “enjoy” soaking in it.
Or – when you join the resistance, stop accepting lack, scarcity, negativity, feeling bad – and instead see the abundance of the Universe and find and/or create positivity and reasons to feel good. This, FYI, ultimately empowers you.
When you feel empowered, your mindfulness increases, you become more aware overall, and that can spread to people around you. This can create a feedback loop of awareness and positivity.
As such, you can build more positive feelings and discover further reasons to feel positivity and gratitude. That can be the impetus to improve numerous aspects of your life for the better, help overcome the overwhelming negativity of the current situation, and generate yet more positivity and gratitude.
An attitude of gratitude is an attitude of immense positivity that can generate even more good energies – and that, like you, is always worthwhile.
This is the three-hundred and forty-second entry of my Positivity series. It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.
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