Who is Blocking My Energy Flow and Why Does it Matter That It’s Me?
If I am blocking my energy flow it impacts everything I desire to do and achieve.

There are two truths in this Universe that I believe without question.
- Change is the only constant in the Universe.
- Everything is made of energy that is constantly changed
Recently, I learned that change is the only reason we exist. If the elements that make us up did not change – we would not be.
Energy is what makes us. In fact, energy is what makes everything. From the tangible to the intangible, from trees and people to air and subatomic particles – it’s all energy at its core. To be this, that, or the other thing, the energy has been changed.
Energy has a frequency. Like tuning a manual dial on an old analog radio, sometimes it’s all static – while other times it’s a station playing music, talk, or what-have-you. Like that older analog radio – energy can be tuned to different frequencies.
Not only does energy have frequency – but it’s also in a constant state of motion. It flows. Sometimes that flow is faster than the speed of light. Other times, it’s so slow that it appears fixed and unmoving. But it is still in flow.
Even the energy that makes me into who I am – both tangible and intangible – is flowing. In some ways, it takes up residence with me. But mostly it flows through, with, and around me – all at the same time.
However – blockages can, do, and will happen.
How does energy get blocked?
To visualize this, think of a rock in a river. Water can only flow around it or over it. It is blocked from flowing through.
Of course, in time, the water will either erode the rock away or overpower it with enough pressure to draw it into the flow. This is true of energy, too.
This is a natural example. There are fixed points both material and immaterial that can and will block energy flowing. Most are obvious – people, plants, animals, machines, and so on. Likewise, some energies can and do block others, just like certain invisible elements counter one another (take magnets, for example).
Human beings have some vestige of control regarding our relationship with energy. Rather than a river, in many ways, we’re more like a faucet and drain. And just like both a facet and a drain – we can get clogged and blocked.
Most people are utterly unaware of their connection to the energies of the Universe. They simply are. Though some search for a deeper meaning – that tends to turn focus without rather than within.
Yes, we are made of energies both within and without. Yet all energy in the Universe comes from the same source. It simply transmutes from form to form to form both tangible and intangible.
It is, I believe, our general lack of connection and understanding of this that causes us to block our energies.
How does energy get blocked? I believe that this is because we get distracted, distressed, and disconnected from this truth. Factors both internal and external pull us apart metaphorically.
How I might be blocking my energy flow
All the energy in the entire Universe originated from one point. Maybe you call it God, or the Powers that Be, or just look to whatever was when the Big Bang ultimately changed energy to its many, many forms.
Whatever form energies take – tangible or intangible – it will eventually reform, shift, and change. Sometimes, it returns to formlessness and wherever it originated from. Other times, it shifts like water becoming steam when heated.
Because of how I perceive myself – I am an individual. This is true. But simultaneously, I am energetically the same as you, the keyboard my fingers are flying across, the air I breathe, and even the thoughts I am striving to share here.
As I do what I do, I am either flowing with the energies inside and outside of myself – or standing against them in some way or other.
For example – when I do something I’d prefer not to do or something that doesn’t feel right for me – I’m standing against the flow.
There are times this is a good idea. Some energies that might try to overwhelm you should be resisted. There are times when you’re actively working to make a change that you will stand against the flow of the energies within and without.
However – if this is not intentional, and you do it repeatedly – it becomes habitual. Bad habits are a form of blocked energy flow.
The only person who can change my habits is me. So, if I have created something that causes a block in my energies – I am blocking my energy flow.
Why does it matter if I am blocking my energy flow?
Because blocked energy can have consequences both within and without. They can be both material and immaterial, too.
One example – money. Negative beliefs I hold onto about making money, having money, using money, and the like can block it.
Look at all the messages we get from the world that call this idea bullshit. You must work hard to make money. Only people who do X, Y, and Z are worthy of money. Money doesn’t grow on trees. Only doctors, lawyers, and business moguls make real money. Writers and artists only make money if they get discovered. You are unworthy of money – unless you do this thing or that.
Look familiar? Accepting any one of the above statements as true creates a blockage.
I know that I believe or used to believe more than one of these.
When I block the flow of money to my life – I get stressed. That stress can create depression and anxiety. That, in turn, can make me physically sick.
This is why it matters if I am blocking my energy flow. The consequences might start small – but ultimately can end my life.
Overly-dramatic? I don’t think so. How many examples are out there of someone who was energetically blocked – got diagnosed with an incurable disease and told death was imminent – who then changed something, unblocked themselves, and became well again? Lots. Blocked energy is the root of our issues.

How do I stop/undo blocking my energy flow?
I must admit that I haven’t got a straight answer. But that’s because, frankly, there isn’t one. My blocked energy is not the same as yours. Or anyone else’s. Thus, no one-size-fits-all answer is possible.
However – there are some tried and true methods both myself and others have used to break blockages. All are non-invasive and can do no harm.
To begin – I need to recognize that I am blocked. For some, they turn to the Chakras and all they represent to see which might be blocked. (Each Chakra is associated with things like communication, self-worth, physical wellness or an element of the body, and other tangible and intangible notions).
Then, I need to acknowledge the blockage. This can be challenging because I live in a society obsessed with blaming. Don’t be accountable – blame this, that, or the other thing.
Blame gets us nowhere. All it does is distract, displace, and disconnect us. Sure, I can blame my mom for some of the things she said while I was an impressionable child causing me to create blockages impacting how money flows to me (or not) now. Does that do anything to correct it? Did she tell me to hold onto it for 40 years? No. The only one who can change it and unblock my energy flow is me.
That’s why acknowledging it is a necessary step. I recognize the blockage and acknowledge that it’s mine.
Now what? There are multiple ways to unblock this. These are some of what I have done. All can be done separately or combined.
Meditating is putting myself into the flow of energy. I can do this sitting cross-legged, in a chair, walking, showering – or whatever. The effort of doing the act for as little as 5 minutes can open energetic flow.
It’s not about getting lost in a void of no-mind, per se. It’s about being present and connecting fully mind, body, and spirit. That’s why there are lots of different mediation options.
Deep breathing
Airways clog. Air is a physical form of energy. Opening your lungs and diaphragm with deep breathing for as little as a 2-minute practice can open the flow of your energy.
When your heart rate is elevated and your blood flows – so does your energy. Blood is a physical form of energy – and its flow is essential to life. Air and blood are interconnected energetic elements. Thus, exercise can unblock energy.
Sometimes therapy is necessary to get the energy flowing. You might need to talk out a problem, work out trauma, or dig deep into your psyche to find what’s blocking you. There is no shame in seeking therapy to heal your mental, emotional, and spiritual self.
I am not a religious man. But for some people, the act of prayer connects them to something greater. Something out there that brings them comfort. That can open you up energetically.
There are 2 wrong ways to do this
Fortunately, to my knowledge, there are only 2 wrong ways to do this.
The first is to seek the solution wholly outside of yourself.
Of course, there are things I don’t know that can help stop me from blocking my energy flow. There is always something new to be learned. But nothing outside of myself can or will unblock my energies. Ways and means can be found without – but can only be used and applied within.
If I try to find someone or something outside of myself to unblock my energy flow for me – it won’t be unblocked. It’s my block – so I am the only one who can unblock it.
The second is to cause hurt or harm to another.
If I think the only way that I can unblock the flow of my energy is by harming someone else – literally or figuratively – it won’t work. Intentionally taking and leaving nothing for anyone else – tangible or intangible – creates more blockage.
If my actions to unblock myself involve causing harm to anyone else – I’m making it worse for myself and all, not better. Why? Because everything and everyone is energy. Denying this – or denying someone’s right to it – harms me as much as it harms them. All I am doing is creating more blocks.
This is why I work to spread kindness, compassion, and empathy. I share my path and the journey I am taking as part of going with the flow of my energy. I still get blocked – because I’m only human. But I am the only one who is capable of unblocking my energy flow.
It all comes down to energy and working to flow with it. And energy is EVERYTHING.
How do you perceive and work with this?
This is the five-hundred and twenty-second exploration of my Pathwalking philosophy. These weekly essays are my ideas for – and experiences with – using mindfulness and positivity to walk along a chosen path of life to consciously create reality.
I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world and empower as many people as I can with conscious reality creation.
Thank you for joining me. Feel free to re-post and share this.
The first year of Pathwalking, including expanded ideas, is available here. Check out Amazon for my published fiction and nonfiction works.
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