What Can You Offer to the World?
The world is full of potential and possibility. But what have you got to offer to it?

For years, I asked myself – what is my purpose in life?
I know I am not the only one who has asked this question.
For a long, long time – the answer was unclear. However, I am pretty sure that this is because I was trying to figure out how to fit inside a box that I was not ever going to fit into.
Society has certain expectations of us. If you have never considered this – the vast majority of people in the world are meant to be cogs in the machine. At least, that’s what “they” want you to be.
“They” are a mysterious entity comprised of – well, truth be told, total bullshit. “They” only exist because of an idea that dominates the reality of the collective consciousness. This notion that there are a few people – the “they” – who dictate how it all works.
But this is not the truth of it. YOU have more power than “they” do. Why? Because “they” are not inside your head.
The only person who is in your head is you. Ergo, only YOU can think, feel, and act for yourself. This allows you to find and/or create the bubble of reality that is your life.
But here is where it can get sticky. The question is not “what can I take from this world,” but rather, “what can I give to this world?” This is important to recognize because it opens you to your fullest potential and possibility.
Givers versus takers
When you look at modern society, it is abundantly clear that many of those “in power” are takers.
Trump. Most of the upper echelon of the Republican party. Uber-wealthy billionaires. Entitled people calling stay-at-home and mask-wearing orders tyranny because they can’t get a haircut. Take, take, take.
These people take from anywhere and everywhere that they can. Clearly, though, they all have a few things in common. They are NEVER satisfied, easily manipulated, and in frequent need of validation. Hence why they take – but work to convince everyone else that they do so for the good of the many. And this, of course, is utter bullshit.
Givers are people who look out for others. They practice kindness, empathy, and compassion. They stand up for the rights of the marginalized, support movements like Black Lives Matter, LGBTQA+ equality, women’s rights, and the like.
You know a lot of people like this. The friend offering a shoulder to cry on, a hand to hold, or a loan when you lose your job and unemployment benefits. These are strangers who hold doors, wear masks without complaint, maintain social distancing.
These people give as much as they can. Time, energy, assistance, donations, tangible and intangible acts. They have a few things in common. They get satisfaction from giving to others, consider logic and reason, and compliment and validate others. Many give even beyond their means.
In truth, givers have an easier time choosing to work with potential and possibility in the world to find what it can offer them.
What does the world have to offer you?
Everything. The world is full of opportunity, potential, possibility. For the most part, you can be, do, or have virtually anything you can conceive of.
However, you can’t just create it from a pure vacuum. You have to do some work in order to work with what life, the Universe, and everything has to offer you. That begins with mindfulness.
Being conscious of what you are thinking, what and how you are feeling, makes you aware of the intent behind actions you do. That intent can build or destroy, give or take.
Mindfulness is awareness of what’s in your head. Since you are the only person in there – being mindful of that lets you see what options are available to you.
I recognize that some people have it harder than others. For example, I know I come from a certain level of privilege because of my upbringing, skin color, and being male. While it is more difficult for some to find and/or create what they conceive of – that doesn’t mean they can’t. The work will be different and potentially more challenging.
When you work with mindfulness, you can clearly see what the world has to offer you. And you can make choices and decisions to take action in a given direction. When you know what you desire, and you put your head, heart, and soul into it – you can make use of what the world has to offer to live an awesome life.
The importance of giving over taking
The late JFK famously said,
“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
Clearly, in 2020, this has been all-but forgotten by many. But the point is utterly valid.
Stretching this out to encompass a broader spectrum of reality, the statement becomes,
Ask not what your life can do for you, ask what you can do for your life.
Too many people think that the opportunities and possibilities out there are meant to be taken at any cost. That’s why there are those who strive to disempower others, deny rights, lie, cheat, and do whatever it takes to better themselves.
I don’t know about you, but I find that undesirable. Why? Because I care about people other than myself.
That’s the main difference between givers and takers. Takers care about themselves. That’s it. Givers care about others – as well as themselves. And that is vitally important to living life however you may choose to live it.
You are not alone on planet Earth. There are almost 8 billion people in the world. Takers see them as competition. But they are not. They are no different from you at their core. Just like you and me, they are beings of light and energy.
Giving empowers not just you – but the recipient as well. This is why giving rather than taking – and the spirit behind it – matters.
What do you offer to them – and them to you?
Taking in the sense of time, opportunity, and control is not separate from giving overall. When you take the time to do a thing, take the opportunity that falls in your lap, or work to take control of your life – that’s not the same energy as being a taker.
Why? Because you are not, in the process, denying another THEIR time, opportunity, or control. Takers in the previously mentioned sense frequently do what they do intent on harm, denial, and a lack of kindness, empathy, and compassion.
Takers only care about what they can grab. They don’t see these things as offerings being given – and that giving is a two-way street to empowerment.
Why? Because takers believe the false narrative of lack and scarcity. They believe that there is an insufficient supply of this, that, or the other thing.
They don’t see a world offering abundance – they see a world lacking and scarce where there’s not enough to go around. So they take.
The Universe is a place of abundance. Even natural resources that seem scarce aren’t – because there is always another option. The Universe is offering you and everyone everything you can think of. But the best way to receive it is not by taking from it – but giving to it.
What you offer you can get back – and more – in return.
A final thought on giving
For years, I asked myself – what is my purpose in life? The answer I have come up with is – to share stories, ideas, hope, empowerment, and inspiration through my writing. Fiction or non-fiction, I am still offering to give something of value to you.
I find deep satisfaction in my work. When I offer you Pathwalking, positivity, a fantasy novel, or any other writing I can share – it feels good. This feels like a pursuit that is worthy and lets me give.
The world is full of potential and possibility. And that is built upon what we give into it. When you give something to the world, to the Universe, you find that it has far, far more to offer than you have ever imagined before.
Mindfulness opens you to make the most of life, the Universe, and everything. Even in uncertain times like we currently live within – you have options. Potential and possibility is utterly abundant.
So – what have you got to offer to the world?
This is the four-hundred and fiftieth journey into my Pathwalking philosophy. These weekly essays are ideas for – and my personal experiences with – mindfulness and walking along the path of life to consciously create reality. I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world along the way. I further desire to empower myself and my readers with conscious reality creation.
Thank you for joining me. Feel free to re-blog and share this.
The first year of Pathwalking, including expanded ideas, is available here. My additional writing, both fiction and non-fiction, are available here.
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