What Will You Learn Today?
Why is recognizing what you can and will learn today important?

There is always something new to be learned.
Recognizing this can make a huge difference in your life. When you think there is nothing you can do; if the world seems to be only negative; if you find you are at a loss – there is a chance to learn something new today.
What this means is that if you are stuck, displeased, distressed, frustrated, or otherwise not where you want to be there is something to learn today that can help you change.
Change is the only constant in the Universe. So why not learn how to make change work for you rather than against you?
No matter what is going on there is something you can learn. Hell, even when you don’t intend it you still tend to be learning.
Life is one big lesson
Nobody lives in a vacuum. To one degree or another everyone interacts with other people.
Some choose direct interactions. Conversations, meet-ups, and similar person-to-person (or persons) gatherings. Other people experience more indirect or passive interactions. Reading the news, memes, and posts on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, and even reading books.
These interactions – direct or indirect – offer learning opportunities. That might be something very minor and seemingly insignificant – or – it might be major and life-changing. Chances are, though, it will probably fall somewhere between these extremes.
What kinds of things do you learn?
Some of the things you learn from people are personal. How they are thinking and feeling, what they are doing, changes in their relationships, and so on. Other things you learn today may be more indirect. Another take on politics, philosophy, how to do things, and so on.
Frequently, what you learn is super-passive. You may not even recognize that you have learned something. But you have – and you do – every single day.
If I am watching a chef cook on the Food Network, I may learn a new technique, or how to make a barbecue rub, or why a fish spatula is amazing. Talking to you, I might learn how I desire for a relationship I have to be like yours or unlike yours. Reading posts on Facebook I may learn it’s a seriously toxic environment.
All of these are different types of lessons. But each is something that I can learn today that I didn’t know before.
No, none of these are necessarily earth-shattering or life-changing. But that doesn’t make them lesser. Each of thee lessons can lead to something a lot more important.
Mindfulness is something you learn today only
Mindfulness – awareness of your conscious mind in the here-and-now – is a TODAY matter. When you are mindful you are being present in the moment with your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
In a world where the collective consciousness tends to be as far from mindful as possible – mindfulness is an important lesson. Why? Because it gives you control over your subconscious.
That, in turn, allows you to make better choices – and rather than learn indirectly helps you better learn directly. Or, frankly, replace the word “learn” with “live.” Still a very accurate assessment.
When you are more mindful – ergo, more aware- you are can better see what you are learning today. When you have a better idea of what you are learning you can decide if these lessons add value to your life or not.
Remember, not everything that you learn is good. Further, some of the things that you learn are hurtful, harmful, and majorly negative. That, however, doesn’t mean they don’t serve you in some way or another. But what it does mean is that there is an insight to be had.
When you work with mindfulness you open yourself to choosing more actively what to learn today.
Learning to build positivity
Choosing to see the negative in the world is a choice. And right now, it’s a VERY easy choice. Between the pandemic, elections, social injustice, and inequality – negativity is everywhere. Soaking that up like a sponge is almost a consequence of everyone’s daily life experience.
However, what you learn today can help you change that.
I read a lot of self-help, inspirational, mindfulness, conscious reality creation, and similar self-improvement and life-lesson books and blogs. These offer me an opportunity to learn something that can help me live my life in the manner I most desire to.
Then I go and write this to share with you. I like to share what I learn because then I might have the opportunity to help YOU learn something new to make your life better.
All in all, this is a chance to learn today something to build more positivity in the world. For example, when you learn that mindfulness helps you make more informed choices about what you are thinking, what and how you are feeling, and the intention behind your actions – you can choose positive options over negative ones.
Recognizing that you are learning something new all the time is immensely positive. Why? Because that means that no matter what you are up against or what you are facing, there is something you can learn to impact that.
You can change where you are at, as well as where you are going.
Which brings me ‘round to the ultimate truth.

Change is the only constant in the Universe
Like it or not, change happens. When change comes you get to decide what to do with it.
- Accept it
- Resist it by throwing a tantrum and being upset about it
- Resist it with an alternative
- Take what control over it you can and work with it
- Seek another means to make another change
I have no doubt you might be able to think of other options – but these are some of the most basic and Universal.
However, that which you learn today can impact your reaction to change. It can make you see if you are being reactive or proactive.
The important takeaway here is to remember that you ALWAYS have choices and options available to you. That means there is something you can learn today to be more positive or find more positivity in the direction you take for your life.
You have so much more power than you realize. Maybe, what you learn today, is this truth – that you HAVE all this power and can take more charge over how you experience life.
Recognizing the power of what you learn today isn’t hard
But it does require thought, feeling, and action.
Knowing that you can choose to recognize that you are constantly learning things great and small, you can be more mindful of these things and seek more active (rather than passive) learning experiences. When you practice mindful learning and seek to learn more positive things and experience greater potential and possibility – that ultimately empowers you.
When you feel empowered, your mindfulness increases, you become more aware overall, and that can spread to people around you. This can create a feedback loop of awareness and positivity.
You can build more positive feelings and discover further reasons to feel positivity and gratitude. That can be the impetus to improve numerous aspects of your life for the better, help overcome the overwhelming negativity of the current situation, and generate yet more positivity and gratitude.
An attitude of gratitude is an attitude of immense positivity. That positivity can generate even more good energies – and that, like you, is always worthwhile.
This is the three-hundred and forty-fourth entry of my Positivity series. It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.
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