What Are You Intentionally Doing to Be Where You Desire to Be?
To get where you desire to be, what are you doing?

I ask myself this question more than I feel like I should.
Perhaps I’m alone in this. But then, maybe not. What are you doing to go where you desire to be?
What does that even mean? For me, it’s about being who, where, how, why, and when I desire to be in this life. This is both a matter of the now, as well as where I will be in the future.
Because to get to the future, you must begin in the now. You can’t get to the future – and where you desire to be – if you’re trapped in the past or too focused on the future.
How does that work?
Be here, now
This is an ongoing challenge for me.
Right now, at this moment, activating my conscious awareness – where do I find myself? Where, how, what, when, why, and who am I now? In the present?
That picture is always a product of a combination of who you are and who you were. Because the past tends to create lots of bits and pieces that are invariably carried into the present.
The past is a great tool for learning. Taking something away from a past experience can serve you really well.
However, trying to recapture, relive, redo, undo, or otherwise use the past in the present and/or to create the future – you get yourself stuck.
When you get stuck, it can be extra challenging to go where you desire to be.
Why? Because it’s extra difficult to be present in the here-and-now when the past is holding onto you like an anchor holding a boat in place.
My past has some messy bits to it I am not proud of. Likewise, I’ve made choices that I wouldn’t say I regret – but I do sometimes think back and still ponder impossible what-ifs.
To be here now, I need to be consciously aware and mindful. That requires questions like,
- What am I thinking?
- What am I feeling?
- How am I feeling?
- What am I doing and what’s my intent via those actions?
Being in the here-and-now, fully present, and consciously aware, is the only means I know of to work on being where you desire to be if you are not there yet.
Where do you desire to be that you are not now?
How does where you desire to be differ from where you are?
In my case, here’s where I desire to be versus where I am now.
Where I am now:
I am writing books and blogs and working an amazing part-time gig. But the return on investment (ROI) is not equal to what I am putting into it, and I am caught in a struggle for balance. I am often frustrated because I am unsure of how to move past this point – and have no more to invest financially to that end.
Where I desire to be:
My writing – in all its forms – earns me a sustainable salary. I can zero out my credit cards and not run up future debt for editing/book covers/marketing/cons/etc. I have the freedom to keep working on my craft because the ROI is more than adequate. My amazing part-time gig continues to be enlightening and fulfilling.
The biggest difference between where I am and where I desire to be is a combination of me struggling with my brain weasels, as well as trying to figure out that certain something necessary to create the ROI I’m not achieving at present.
Thus, some are in my control while some are not.
I cannot do much for what’s outside of my control. For example, getting my blog on Medium to the next level is something elusive I’ve yet to work out. Getting more people to buy and favorably review my books is likewise elusive.
Hence, most likely, taking more control over the parts I can influence will make a difference.
Be where you desire to be NOW
Consciousness creates reality.
Whether you believe in the Law of Attraction or not – this is the truth. Consciousness creates reality. What you think about, thank about, and focus on with tremendous intensity, you bring about.
I’ve done it before. Yes, while recovering from severe injuries I had excellent doctors who did incredible work. But even they were amazed by the speed and utter totality of my recovery. I know that because I thought of myself as completely healed, gave thanks for it, and allowed no doubt or alternative potential it was so.
There have been other, smaller examples. Relationships I envisioned I could create came into being. The car I could not afford or see any means to buy when I needed to buy a car I acquired. Conscious reality creation because I saw it, believed it, and gave total and complete thanks for it.
However – here are two VERY important caveats when it comes to all conscious reality creation.
First – you cannot create from a total vacuum. The tenet of The Secret – ask, believe, receive – implies you can create your reality from nothing. That’s just not true. Without conscious intentional action along the line of what you seek to create, you won’t likely make it happen.
If you desire to go to space, you can’t just ask, believe, and receive. You either need to find a way to buy a flight, join the military, or be a scientist to head that way. Intentional action is needed.
I won’t deny that sometimes luck alone allows creation from the vacuum. But you can’t count on it.
Secondly – you can create for you, and only you. You cannot consciously create the reality of anyone else. Attempt to do so and you create only conflict. See current American politics for an all-too-perfect example.
Sometimes you won’t feel it
There are days when the brain weasels are chittering obnoxiously in my head. They are telling me that I’m insane, choosing poorly, and should stop this nonsense and do what is expected of me by society.
When I am not where I desire to be – and not able to see just how to get there – this happens. And it gets worse when an outside force reminds me (often without malicious intent) that I am not where I desire to be.
Of course, there is a point where you walk away, change tactics, and relent. As the saying goes, “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same result.” At some point, you need to either make a drastic change beyond any others you have. Or stop and start anew.
I am not saying quit. But there comes a point where you must weigh the pros and cons of where you are, where you desire to be, and if you’ve done all that you can – or not.
To go where you have never been before you need to be willing to be uncomfortable. That’s why it’s called leaving a comfort zone.
I know that I am insufficiently willing to get uncomfortable as I should. That is something in my control to adjust.
What will that look like? I suspect if I knew, I would have done it by now. But all I do know is that only I can do what’s right for me and my life. So, if I am not where I desire to be, only I can work out how to get there.
We all have bad days, and sometimes you won’t feel it. Forgive yourself, work on being more mindful, and keep on keeping on.
What are you doing intentionally to be where you desire to be?
This is the five-hundred and forty-fourth exploration of my Pathwalking philosophy. These weekly essays are my ideas for – and experiences with – using mindfulness and positivity to walk along a chosen path of life to consciously create reality.
I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world and empower as many people as I can with conscious reality creation.
Thank you for joining me. Feel free to re-post and share this.
The first year of Pathwalking, including expanded ideas, is available here. Check out Amazon for my published fiction and nonfiction works.
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