The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

We Deserve It All

I deserve all the good things I desire.

Over the last several months I have had a mantra I have recited with much frequency.  I am abundant and prosperous.  I am a good person, worthy and deserving of abundance, prosperity, success, wealth and joy.  Succeed or fail, I am supported and I am loved.

Taking an online course offered by Jen Sincero, author if my favorite self-help book, You Are A Badass, she calls this creation a Mantra of Mightiness.  Creating this mantra was part of the course, and it is a rather useful tool.

DeserveI know that a lot of people consider things like mantras and affirmations new-agey hooky-spooky gobbledygook.  And yes, I also know that my “mantra” is much more of an affirmation.  But the question I have to ask is, so what?

What if it is all a bunch of new-agey, hippy-crunchy, rah-rah bullshit?  What harm is there in that?

One of the key factors in Pathwalking and conscious reality creation is that this is for creating good in our lives.  Consciousness creates reality not to take away from anyone else, but to have some control in the decisions for our own lives.  I cannot see how that is a bad thing.

Yes, we can look at worst-case scenarios and mistakes that can be made with this idea.  When someone ignores reality and places themselves in the ether, or they are going for something super-unrealistic.  You can wish to be a brain surgeon all you want, but you still have to do some work to get there.

Further, the idea of positive thought has gotten beaten up pretty good over the years.  We all know someone spouting “think positive thoughts and that’s what you’ll get!”  However, thought is only a third of the conscious reality creation process.

We deserve to live lives we choose for ourselves.

The plain and simple truth is that we deserve to have good lives.  The Universe is one of abundance.  The world of lack and scarcity is manmade, and only the truth because we accept it to be.  But look at all the amazing things we can and have created for ourselves.  That came not from a lack mentality, but from an abundant one.

When I write about conscious reality creation, it is not from a place of unrealistic dreaming.  There are things we truly want to do, and we feel them in our bones.  If we want to make a thing happen, we are capable of almost anything.

If you want something badly enough, and you put the thoughts, feelings and intentional actions into making it manifest, you can.  Depending on what it is you are working to manifest, it may take some time.  The important part is that as you walk the path from here to there, it should feel good, it should be inspiring, and it should feel effortless, even though it realistically probably is not.

Positive thinking operates on a higher frequency than negative thinking.  Yet if you only think positive, but do not give it feeling, you are still not getting anywhere.  The thought is the fuel for the car, the feeling is the ignition to start it.  Then intentional action is taking it for a drive.

What harm comes from believing we are worthy and deserving of things?  When we believe in the abundance and prosperity inherent in the entire universe, there can be no harm at all.

Why don’t we believe we deserve things and are worthy of them?  Because our society collective consciousness is driven by lack mentality.  The so-called leaders can stay in power only due to controlling the lack.

Knowing you deserve good harms nobody else.

I believe that we live in an abundant universe.  What that means is that there is more than enough of the things we all want to go around.  Since overall we do not want the same things, of course there is plenty for everyone.

Another aspect of the lack mentality of our society is the competitive nature of it.  Everywhere you turn it’s all about competition.  I’ve written about this before, and while I certainly believe there are good forms of competition, conversely there are bad forms of competition.

We are not in competition for the abundance the Universe has to offer.  Period.

Hard to accept for a lot of people.  All of our lives we’ve been inundated by messages that because there is insufficient this and lacking that, we have to compete.  But the truth is that there is more than enough good in the universe.

What’s more, the messages of competition also cause us to believe there is a certain bar of worth and deserving that must be reached and crossed.  This is a lie.  EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US IS WORTHY.  WE ALL DESERVE AMAZING, HAPPY LIVES.  That is the truth.

Why?  Because I believe this is what we are here to do.  Every single solitary one of us on this planet is here for a reason.  Yes, we can argue that some are here simply to be an abject lesson for the rest of us.  But in truth, we are each here to contribute something.  In the process of this, we have the ability to manifest awesome things.

Why doesn’t everybody do this?  Because to maintain the hold on so-called power our “leaders” have, they must control the flow.  Easiest way to do that?  Exploit lack and false scarcity.

This reality is an illusion.  Create a better one.

Yes, as Einstein said, this reality is a very persistent illusion, but that does not mean it is unchangeable.  We all have the power to change our lives.  But it’s important to remember that only our lives can be changed by each of us.  I don’t write what I put out here to change you, but if sharing my ideas inspire you to make changes, I have done good.  This is part of my purpose on this earth.

Recognizing, acknowledging, and FEELING that you are worthy of manifesting your dreams, and you deserve to have an amazing life, is enormously important.  I am striving on working with this, and I encourage you to do the same.

Do you realize how much you deserve an incredible life?


This is the three-hundred twenty-seventh entry in my series. These weekly posts are ideas for, and my personal experiences with, walking along the path of life.  I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world along the way.

Thank you for joining me.  Feel free to re-blog and share.

The first year of Pathwalking, including some expanded ideas, is available here.

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