The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Do Want and Desire Differ?

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There is a surprisingly substantial difference between want and desire.

Want is based in lack.  One of its definitions, from is to be without, or deficient in.  Want comes from a place of lack and scarcity.  It is a statement that implies that there is not enough, that you have gone without because that which you want there is not enough of.

Want and DesireFurther, that implies that if you get what you want, it will not be enough.  You will still be wanting, because of the lack and insufficiency.

Desire is based in prosperity.  One of its definitions, from, is to express a wish to obtain; ask for; request.  Desire comes from a place of abundance.  It is a statement that implies that there is more than enough, that you can have that which you desire because there is more than enough.

Further, that implies that if you get what you desire, it will make you feel good.  You will feel satisfied, because of the abundance and sufficiency.

Want and desire, as such, differ on a fundamental level.  While want is negative, desire is positive.  Want comes from lack, desire comes from abundance.  The feeling want evokes is one of longing, and a sense of deficit.   The feeling desire evokes is one of satisfaction, and a sense of prosperity.

Words matter.  It is imperative to choose wisely, because when what you say or think is negative, it tends to draw negativity to you.  Conversely, when what you say or think is positive, it tends to draw positivity to you.  I think we can all agree the world could use a lot more positivity nowadays.

Want and desire are the same, but different

When we recognize the difference between want and desire, we can see where our mindset tends to be.  Knowing our minds can help us to be better in touch with our emotions.  Thought, feelings and actions are the tools by which consciousness creates reality.  If we are not conscious of the reality we create, we still create reality through our subconscious.

How do Want and Desire Differ?Hence why it is so important to choose not just the words we say, but the words we hold in our thoughts.  When we are thinking about something we are wanting, it is a statement of negativity.  On the other hand, when we are thinking about something we are desiring, it is a statement of positivity.  How we think can be as important as what we think.

It is difficult to guard our every thought.  We have so many things dividing our attention, it’s no wonder we frequently feel overwhelmed.  And just to add insult to injury, our society is one that is fear-based, and frequently bursting at the seams with negativity.

You can’t change society.  More specifically, you cannot change the big picture without changing the smaller pictures.  That means that you and I need to change our approaches to the world.  When we recognize the difference between want and desire, lack and abundance, fear and courageousness, we can decide to choose for the better, and work with more positivity.

The language we use, whether in thought or speech, impacts what we create in this world.  Why not choose stronger, positive words to build a stronger, positive world?

Finding positivity is not hard, but it does require action.

Knowing that the difference between want and desire is working from lack versus working from abundance, we can choose the better word to create better things.  When we create better things, and work from a place of positivity, we empower ourselves.  When we feel empowered, we often spread that feeling to others around us, and as such can build more positive feelings.  We can use the positive feelings this generates to dissolve negative feelings.  When we take away negative feelings, we open up space to let in positive feelings, and that is something we can be grateful for.  Gratitude leads to happiness.  Happiness is the ultimate positive attitude.  Positive attitude begets positive energy, and that is always a good thing.

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This is the two-hundred and forty-fifth entry of my Positivity series.  It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone.  Feel free to share, re-blog and spread the positivity.

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