The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

The World is Not on Fire

The World is Not on Fire

Despite appearances, the world is not, in fact, burning down.

There is no denying that we are living in trying times. The amount of hatred, anger, indignity, and negativity you and I encounter on a daily basis is utterly staggering.

not on fireIf you give this too much attention, it becomes far too easy to see the world as being on fire. Whether the dumpster fire is Trump, Brexit, corporate greed, climate change, or what-have-you, it is almost impossible to avoid.

For all that, the world is not, in fact, burning down.

How do I know this? Because of several factors.

We live in a fear-based society

Because of this truth, much of what you and I are presented by our leadership and our press is negative. Why? Because we accept it. Over time it has become accepted as the norm and perpetuated because it sells things.

Want to prop up capitalism? Get people fearful of things – then sell them solutions. Especially short-term solutions. That way you will be able to sell them more. Drugs, foods, alcohol, toys – take your pick. How much is sold based on fear?

The Universe is abundant

Despite the notion, along with our fear-based society, that we are in a constant state of lack and scarcity – in truth, we are not.

There is more than enough to go around. The cosmos is unbelievably huge, and as such is full-to-bursting with plenty. Maybe we run out of resource ‘x,’ but either a new resource will replace it or it will no longer be needed in the first place.

Most people are good people

This one can be hard to believe, again because of how much you are being sold on the notion that bad people are everywhere. Pick a group, any group, and you can be shown a way in which they are bad.

Men/Women. Whites/Blacks. Christians/Muslims. Democrats/Republicans. Straight People/Gay People.

Opinion is a matter of perspective. Those who are less mindful of their own thoughts and feelings tend to take in and hold onto thoughts and feelings of others. But for the most part, the majority of people in the world want to live good lives.

Please note – there ARE bad people out there. This is not denying that at all. But how often do you read stories about people doing good things for people over people doing bad things to people?

Yet keeping in mind that most people are, in fact, good people – such as your friends and family (I hope) – this can help you see that the world is not on fire.

YOU are a good person

Yes, I am making a presumption here. But unless you actively do things to hurt other people, intend to deny anyone else rights and opportunities, or treat other people as inferior, you are a good person.

not on fireI screw up sometimes. There are things I get wrong, and I cause people to feel hurt. This is not intentional, but it will make me feel bad and question whether I am a good person or not. But just by asking the question, I believe that it shows that I am a good person.

A bad person tends to lack empathy, and probably – I suspect – self-awareness. If you are reading this, you likely have at least some self-awareness and empathy.

Because you strive to be a good person and do the best that you can, that right there is proof that the world is not burning down. Yes, times are difficult, but if you can be a good person, then hope is not lost.

The world is not on fire

When you stop and take stock of everything going on in YOUR immediate life, odds are that you will see far fewer flames. I am not denying that you may be having issues and matters that are complicating your life. But I am pointing out that for the most part, the world around you is probably not burning to the ground.

When you practice mindfulness and being aware of your own mindset – specifically what you are thinking and what and how you are feeling – you gain perspective. That, in turn, helps you best influence your thoughts and feelings, and take actions to douse the fires that you can.

No, this is not easy. But it is important to recognize. You and I can better the world, and it begins with being the best that we can be, putting more positivity out there, and working to show how the world is not on fire.

Finding positivity is not hard, but it does require action

Knowing that the world is not, in fact, on fire, you can take actions to see the good and expand positivity. When you are not adding to the fire and being the best you that you can be, and keeping positive in the face of all the negativity, this ultimately empowers you. When you feel empowered, your mindfulness increases, you become more aware overall, and that tends to spread to other people around you.

As such, you can build more positive feelings and discover more things to feel positivity and gratitude for.

Gratitude leads to happiness. Happiness is the ultimate positive attitude. An attitude of gratitude is an attitude of positivity that begets even more good energies – and that, like you, is always worthwhile.


This is the two-hundred and eighty-sixth entry of my Positivity series.  It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone.  Feel free to share, re-blog and spread the positivity.

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