The Positivity or Negativity of Your Actions Are Your Truth
What your actions reflect – positivity or negativity – is the truth of your life.

Nobody but you is inside your head, heart, or soul. Thus, nobody but you ever knows what you are thinking, what and how you’re feeling, or the intentions behind actions you take.
Your actions, however, are how others can see what, where, how, why, and all else in concert with who you are. Your actions are how the outside world sees your inside self.
This is why they say, “actions speak louder than words.” Actions are demonstrative of your inner self to the outer world.
For this reason – if your actions are positive or negative – they show your truth.
Sure, that might seem overly simplistic. But is it?
When someone says they will do this, that, or the other thing – and then do the opposite – which is the truth? It’s their actions. And if your actions are positive or negative – they reflect your personal truth.
How does this work?
Everything that you do is your choice. However, you might be doing things by rote, routine, and subconsciously.
That’s still a choice. But it’s a passive choice you’ve allowed yourself to make. When that’s the case, and you have been subconsciously acting on things, you might find that you’ve performed multiple negative actions.
What does that look like? Maybe you were so caught up in your head that you didn’t hold a door for someone loaded down. Perhaps you said something cruel because you didn’t give it much thought. Maybe you mindlessly doomscroll Facebook.
I would bet that the odds are if any of the above is true, you either have been feeling negative – or maybe not negative – but certainly not positive. If the former, the reflection of your inner self is obvious. If the latter – you might be providing yourself with some much-needed insight.
Your actions can tell you just as much as they tell others.
It’s possible to be in a negative headspace without knowing it
When I am not being mindful – and allow my subconscious to do the driving – it’s easy to fall into a negative headspace. But it’s equally easy not to recognize it when you are in it.
First – from the inside, we don’t always have perspective. Can’t see the forest for the trees, so to speak. Secondly – we have a lot of self-imposed bias. That’s built on our subconscious beliefs, values, and habits. Thirdly – it’s all too easy to get distracted and lose sight of your inner being.
I know how this happens. Between scrolling social media and binging shows on Netflix or the like, it’s easy to get distracted from your inner self. And if you watch or read depressing, negative things while not being consciously aware – they can get embedded in your psyche.
Consciousness creates reality. Or, if you are not consciously creating reality, subconsciousness creates reality. If you are not practicing mindfulness, in all likelihood you are living passively. That means that the actions you take are potentially asleep or half-asleep. That, then, can mean you find yourself in a negative headspace without knowing it.
And thus, the negative actions you take are your truth.
Mindfulness of your actions gives you control
The only person who thinks, feels, intends, and acts for you is you. Nobody else can choose to do this. There’s nobody else who can control you.
Thus, all actions are your actions. If you are not mindfully acting but subconsciously acting – it’s still you. If you are not mindful, you might not be in touch with your stance towards positivity or negativity. And again – your actions are your truth in this regard.
To gain control of your actions, all you must do is be mindful of them. Mindfulness of your thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions can start with simple questions like,
- What am I thinking?
- What am I feeling?
- How am I feeling?
- What do I intend to do?
- Why am I taking this action?
Asking these questions in the present moment activates your mindfulness. Thus, it can tell you where your inner mindset/headspace/psyche self is.
For example – if you are thinking about something bad, feeling sad because of it, intending to shower to get some relief, and then choose to crawl back into bed and hide, it’s rather obvious that your truth is negative.
If, however, you are thinking something bad, feeling sad because of it, intend to shower to get some relief – and then get in the shower – you’ve taken mindful control of your actions to build positivity. That’s the truth reflected by choosing to take that shower.
Yes, it truly is this simple. And yet we often fail to see that in this simplicity lies empowerment. We human beings tend to love to overcomplicate our lives.
Mindfulness of your actions is a part of your overall mindfulness. That is a key to seeing if you are in a place of positivity or negativity.
Why should your actions be positive?
The simple answer is that negative actions reinforce negativity.
If you are already feeling and thinking negatively, then start doomscrolling Facebook and Twitter for more bad news – personal or otherwise – you’ve gone looking for negativity. That downward spiral doesn’t feel good and ultimately disempowers you.
Negativity is destructive. No matter what some pundits might suggest – destruction doesn’t spur growth in and of itself. The aftermath of destruction is where that choice – to let it be destroyed and you with it, walk away, or rebuild – is not predicated on the destruction. I digress – because if I dive into this further we will get into a “which came first, the chicken or the egg” type debate. That’s not the point.
Positivity is constructive. It builds things. And building things is good for you, me, and everyone. Choosing positivity means choosing to build something. To create new. Maybe create the best and better.
Positive actions are creative actions. And size matters not. Big or small – they still empower and create.
That person behind you might have been having a horrid day – and decided that they didn’t matter, and they were done. Maybe they were planning to do something dangerous and hurt themselves. But you acted positively and held the door. And that one small act made them feel worthwhile and change THEIR action in turn.
Random acts of kindness ALWAYS empower. Positive actions, as such, empower not just you – but anyone and everyone you encounter. That’s why positive actions matter as they do.
Can you see how what your actions reflect – positivity or negativity – is the truth of your life?
Choosing the positivity or negativity of our actions isn’t hard
It begins with mindfulness of our thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions.
Knowing that our actions reflect our truth, we can see if we have been acting consciously or subconsciously and if that’s positive or negative. When we choose to make use of mindfulness to work on doing positive actions, we enable ourselves to build and create amazing things – and that ultimately empowers us.
When you are empowered, your mindfulness increases, you become more aware overall, and that gets reflected and spreads to other people. This creates a feedback loop of awareness and positivity – a feedback loop everyone can take part in.
Then, together, we build more positive feelings and discover further reasons to feel positivity and gratitude. That becomes the impetus to improve our lives for the better, help overcome the overwhelming negativity of any current situation, and generate even more positivity and gratitude.
An attitude of gratitude is an attitude of pure positivity. That positivity can generate even greater positive energies – and that is ultimately empowering for all.
Everyone is worthy and deserving of all the good we desire.
This is the four hundred and ninth entry of my Positivity series. It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.
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