The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

The Pie is Not Limited

This is an abundant universe with more than enough for everyone.

Lots of pies. The pie is not limited.
Photo by Kelcie Herald on Unsplash

Too many of the messages being beamed into your head will tell you that this, that, or the other thing is running out. There’s not enough, it’s lacking, insufficient, and/or “they” will take it from you and leave you with nothing.

Media, advertising, politicians, and other so-called leaders and demagogues love these messages. They use them to play on your fears to move their agendas. If you don’t follow their lead, take their advice, or vote for them, you’ll suffer because of what’s lacking.

The implication, sometimes blatant – but more often subtle – is that the thing you desire is finite. Tangible or intangible, there’s not enough and if you don’t take yours, you’ll miss it. There’s only so much pie to go around because it’s limited.

The truth, however, is that the pie is not, in fact, limited.

Abundance is everywhere in everything

Please allow me to place a couple of truths here. First, this is not a universe of lack, scarcity, or insufficiency. It’s an abundant universe.

Stretch your mind and see that abundance is real in both the material and immaterial. Most, if not all lack, scarcity, and insufficiency are artificial. For example, take diamonds. The “rare” gem is highly prized and the standard for showing wealth, affluence, and even power. Their narrative is that there are only so many diamonds in the world, and that’s why they’re valuable.

Except that’s utterly untrue. The diamond market has been historically, artificially controlled for over 100 years. Diamonds are not so rare, and easily synthesized in a lab. Sure, you can argue that cut, color, and purity go into the value. That, however, makes it no less utterly artificial.

When it comes to material resources, even when one becomes scarce another can be found to replace it. That might not be true for other members of the animal kingdom. Human beings, however, are clever and innovative. A new resource can be found to replace one that’s lacking.

When it comes to intangible/immaterial resources, they’re infinite. Every single intangible you can imagine is abundant to overflowing. Every thought, feeling, desire, and intention is available to everyone everywhere in mind-boggling quantities.

The pie is not limited. When it comes to the things you want and desire, tangible or intangible, the pie is infinite.

pie with slices taken. the pie is not limited.
Photo by sheri silver on Unsplash

The limited pie is a trick

Implications of lack, scarcity, and insufficiency – limited pie – are false. They’re artificial, created by this person, that government, that industry, or whatever/whoever else to disempower.

People who believe in lack, scarcity, and insufficiency are disempowered. That’s because this gets too easily tied to ideas of competition and entitlement. All of which are equally about disempowering one group or another to prop up something/someone else.

Messages of “woke” people taking away your way of life are lies meant to disempower you. They’re insistent on limited pie, and the “other” competing to take away your rightful slice of it.

This is not the truth.

People of color don’t want to take away the rights of white people, they want equal rights. LGBTQA+ people don’t want to take away the representation of straight people, they want equal representation. Women don’t want to deny men bodily autonomy, they want equal bodily autonomy.

Yes, yes, there are exceptions to this. It doesn’t invalidate the point. The pie is not limited. Slices are not being taken so you don’t get some. All notions to the contrary are artificial. Limited pie is a trick being played on you by forces intent on disempowering you.

Why does empowerment matter?

You are the only one in your head, heart, and soul. Nobody else can think your thoughts, feel your feelings, experience your emotions, and so on. You’re it.

Hence, nobody can make you feel or think anything at all. Unless you choose to let them. When you allow yourself to accept the thoughts, feelings, ideas, beliefs, and values of others – without question – you disempower yourself.

Eventually, you’ll feel lost. Why? Because you are. Your disempowerment means you lose your self-awareness.

Self-awareness is treated by many as selfish. “Woke” people and their self-awareness are vilified because they empower themselves and don’t need outside influence to be. They go inside and use active conscious awareness to find and empower themselves.

Outside influences can provide some info and context. However, for the most part, empowerment comes from within.

Active conscious awareness is mindfulness. You gain it not via your 6 senses, but rather your inner being. Becoming aware, in the present, of your thoughts, feelings, actions, approach, and intentions, makes you consciously aware. Using them or changing them is mindful and empowers you.

Empowerment is how you choose and decide for yourself how to live your life. This will show you that the pie – tangible or intangible – is not limited.

This is an abundant universe with more than enough for everyone. The notion that the pie is limited is not true. When you’re empowered, you can better see this for yourself. Then, use that to make your own choices and decisions to live the best you can. Spread the wealth, share more pie, and spread the true reality of abundance.

Doesn’t this look much better and truer than the notion that the pie is limited?

This is the six-hundred fifty-third (653) exploration of my Pathwalking philosophy. These weekly essays are my ideas for – and experiences with – applying mindfulness and positivity to walk along a chosen path of life to consciously create reality.

I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world and empower as many people as I can with conscious reality creation.

Thank you for joining me. Feel free to re-post and share this.

The first year of Pathwalking, including expanded ideas, is available here. Check out Amazon for my published fiction and nonfiction works.

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