The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What Have I Done With Challenges?

Some challenges are better than others. As I have mentioned before, the reason why this blog is called The Ramblings of a Titanium Don is due to two reasons. A title I get to assume from the Society for Creative Anachronism (the medieval re-enactment society I’ve been a part of for over 25 years); and the three titanium plates holding together my right clavicle. In case you missed this: On the last day of November, 1999, I was struck by

What Did You Learn Today?

You learn something new every day. This is not just some cliché phrase, it’s literally true.  Some things we learn are huge and life changing, but most are minute and easy to overlook. One of the greatest joys of life is that there is always something new to be learned.  Because there is always something new to learn, virtually no situation is impossible or irreparable.  We simply may be lacking in the necessary knowledge. Learning is often tied in with

How do I Deal With a Test of Faith?

My faith is being tested. I am facing a test of my belief in conscious reality creation.  Do I believe in myself, and my own ability to consciously create the reality I want to live in?  Do I believe I am manifesting the life I really want to experience? I have always been the best at sabotaging myself.  There is no need for anyone else to interfere, I can do it just fine, thanks.  I always manage to find the

What is an Attitude Shifter?

What is an attitude shifter?  An attitude shifter is something you can think about or focus on that will make you feel good. Shifters can come in any number of forms.  A picture of a person, place or thing that makes you feel happy.  A song or movie dialogue or comedy routine that puts you in a good mood.  A scent, the smell of something that brings your mind to positive thoughts.  Pretty much anything that stimulates your senses in

What do I want from my Reality?

What do I want? I have been asking this question of myself for most of my adult life.  It is both the single most basic question I can ask, as well as massively loaded.  This is a question that can be rooted in the past, awareness in the present, or looking to the future, which complicates things further. One of the more complex issues I encounter with this question has long been its opposite.  I was less sure of what

How does Pathwalking Help Other People?

You cannot help the world if you don’t help yourself. Pathwalking is about seeking out your own destiny.  Walking your own path in life.  Pathwalking is about living life to the fullest, striving for the best experiences. It can be very hard not to feel that this idea is selfish.  It is even more difficult when you see the state of the world today.  The constant deluge of information, specifically negativity, greed, and selfishness, can be disconcerting. I try not

Why Does the World Need More Positivity?

The world needs more positivity. Why?  Because when we feel positive, we feel good.  When we feel good, we enhance the ability to draw more good to ourselves.  As such, we empower ourselves.  When we are empowered, we are capable of almost anything. Unfortunately, we are living in a fear-based society.  We are inundated with negativity, we are told that there is lack and scarcity, and that we should fear the unknown, the untested, and the unfamiliar.  We sensationalize things

How do you Pathwalk with a Partner?

How do you and a partner walk your paths together? This question came to mind as I considered that my wife and I have different goals and aspirations for our professional lives.  I want to share why for us this is not problematic, and how I think we strengthen and reinforce one another in walking our separate paths together. There are some important points to keep in mind here.  No matter who you are, you cannot walk anyone’s path but

Seven Sources to Inspire Positivity

Sources to inspire Positivity can be found anywhere. Some sources of inspiration are easier to come by than others.  Yet knowing we have an endless pool of resources, we can be inspired and find Positivity in all sorts of unexpected places. It’s important to keep in mind that inspiration doesn’t need to be a grandiose, earth-shattering something.  We can be inspired by surprisingly mundane and uncomplicated things.  Inspiration can be that simple spark that gets you to eat healthy, to

What Will be the Rewards and Consequences of my Decisions?

Conscious reality creation takes place in the now. We cannot undo the past, and as Yoda says, “Always in motion is the future.”  The only part of reality we truly control is the present. This week has marked several changes on my part.  All of them involved decisions.  One was in regards to changing this blog for its growth, one will close a long-standing issue I’ve spent more than half-a-decade trying to resolve.  In both instances I had to make

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