The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Merging Two Paths

I am currently on two paths. They share several things in common – but are still not the same. I have a habit of being more than one thing at a time. Some of this has been a response to attempting to do two things at once. On some occasions, this has been about me working a “normal” job while pursuing a passion at the same time. Over the past year, now, I have been working on a singular vision.

When Does Persistence Pay Off?

Persistence is the best way to choose, follow, and stay on any given path. During and after college I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. There were a few vague ideas, even some thoughts of pursuing my degree program achievements. Use my major and get a job in theatre? That never panned out. My one, very brief gig in semi-professional theatre was a month of annoyance, irritability, and no fun. Use my minor and get

Five Actions for Spreading Positivity

This post contains affiliate banner links. For more info, see my disclosures.   Spreading positivity is not that hard. For some people, this is the best time of the year…while for others, it is the worst.  Gatherings with families, friends and loved ones can be fantastic or fatalistic, warm and pleasant or icy and disturbing, and can pick us up or knock us down. Whether positive or negative, emotions tend to run high this time of year.  It is for

What do You do With Your Personal Demons?

We all have our personal demons.  They manifest in different ways, sometimes they are subtle, sometimes overt.  They are the things that keep us from going to the places we wish to go in life. Personal demons can manifest as the devil on your shoulder, the voice inside your head telling you that you’re not good enough, smart enough, worthy or deserving.  Brain weasels or brain squirrels, whichever rodent you identify, are another manifestation of the personal demon. This can

What is My Motivation?

What is my motivation? This is not just a question an actor asks of their director…it is a question about life.  What is it that motivates me to do the things I do? I am a writer and editor.  Writing is a craft I have been working on since I was nine years old, and truly focused on for about twenty years now.  My first editor taught me a tremendous amount about not just editing, but writing to its core,

What Is Tenacity?

Tenacity, like patience, has never been my strongest suit. One of the keys to succeeding at reaching the destination of any given path, though, is tenacious resolve. What does it mean to have tenacity?  It is best described as the ability to stick-to whatever you are trying to make happen.  I often picture this as a dog with her jaws fastened to a stick she just will not relinquish.  She would rather hold onto it then let it go, even

What Do I Want To Give The World?

I want to give back to the world. One of my greatest desires is to give something of value to the world.  Whether it’s entertainment in the fiction that I write, insight from this blog, lessons in medieval rapier combat, or a pun to make someone crack a smile, I want to be a giver. One of the risks of this, though, is focusing more on giving than receiving anything in return.  When in the course of day-to-day life one

What Am I Thinking?

I am always thinking.  But then, really, who isn’t? Our entire reality as we perceive it is based on thought.  We see this life in our own, individual ways, which differ as they do because of our thinking. While it’s true that at our core, we are all energy, and thus all the same, as I have been writing about this week both in Positivity and Pathwalking, how we think defines our individuality.  Not simply what we think, but how

How does a non-planner plan?

Making a plan has not always been my strong suit. I tend to take actions as needed, but planning?  Not so much. From time to time I will make a plan.  But more often than not, I just go along and do what I need to do. This is not tremendously compatible with the notion of conscious reality creation. Take my writing, for instance.  A friend once told me there are two kinds of writers in the world – planners

What Happens When the “Other Shoe” Drops?

When the other shoe drops, do you pick it up? I have been anticipating this situation for several months now.  I had hoped to depart on my own terms, but I suspected this was coming.  So it was not much of a surprise. The job I have held for the past year, and been duly grateful for, has come to an end.  Now my eight hours a day in a place where I was all-too-often bored, and frequently unhappy, is

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