The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Joy

Joy is one of the ultimate expressions of love. We tend to not do nearly enough things that bring us joy.  We believe the lie that joyful things should only come in small doses, and that it is a limited achievement that should be particularly savored. Why is this true?  Because we have accepted it as so.  Yet, really, it is not the truth.  Joy can and should be one of the driving motivations for everything we do. Are we

Crossing the Bridges: Empathy and Feeling Joy

Feeling joy has been something of a challenge of late.  I am an empath.  As an empath, I constantly feel the emotional states of other people around me. What does that mean?  It means when many, many of my friends and loved ones are feeling anxious because of, oh, say, awful acts of inhumanity on the part of our government…I get not only my own anger, frustration and dismay over what is happening, but also all of theirs as well.

Positivity: This is Good Because…

One way to approach the unexpected is to look at it and consider, “This is good because…” This is one of the best mechanisms I have ever come across for redirecting negative thinking.  Jen Sincero explains it in her outstanding book You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Live an Awesome Life (I cannot recommend this particular book enough).  When you encounter the unexpected, this idea can totally turn it around, and give you a more

Crossing the Bridges: Time

We are obsessed with time. Time factors into our lives in ways we hardly pay attention to, but there it is.  We are constantly exploring matters of time, events, dates, appointments, past, present, future, and on and on.  Time is everywhere, and we are frequently coping with a perceived shortage or overage of it. Why am I going on about this?  Because I am sitting here, spending my time doing nothing.  On the plus side, as I write this, I

Positivity: You Know Yourself Better Than You Think You Do

Who knows you best? Easy.  YOU. Nobody knows you, quite like YOU do.  You are the most cognizant of your strengths, your weaknesses, your hopes, your dreams, your fears, your goals, your moral compass, your ethics, etc. You are the leading expert on YOU.  You, and you alone, know your every secret, every laudable and damnable detail of your whole entire life.  You are your own most intimate companion. Why is this a part of positivity?  Because you have the

Crossing the Bridges: Nothing to Fear

Fear is like an obscuring mist, covering each step in uncertainty. Doubt, uncertainty, dis-ease, discomfort, anxiety are all specific manifestations of fear.  Worst of all, they come from a most intangible and illusive fear. I have written quite a lot about fear.  Both for Pathwalking and Positivity and even amongst my topical rants, fear is a subject I come back to rather frequently.  Why?  Because fear is one of the most pervasive driving forces of our modern society. Those in

Positivity: Seeking Help

When do you recognize you need some help? When do you stop and realize that no matter what you have tried, maybe you need outside assistance?  When do you accept that maybe it’s time to ask for help, seek treatment, or start taking the medications to restore balance? This is a matter of Positivity.  Knowing that you need help, and then getting it is incredibly powerful.  Nothing is more positive than acknowledging limitations and then getting assistance to overcome them.

Crossing the Bridges: Taking Steps

Crossing the bridges is only possible when you start taking steps. I intend to become a best-selling author.  While I write several different things in different genres, one of the intents of this particular blog is determining better ways to traverse bridges between these writing styles. However, in many respects, the first bridge I need to cross is between the life I currently have to the life that I actually want to have. I have written it before, and I

Positivity: The Inconsequential is Important

Coffee.  Conversation.  Tea.  Meditation.  Sleep.  Holding the door for a stranger. Every one of these is equal in its power to generate positivity.  Every one of these can elevate your mood and improve a given day. The seemingly inconsequential is easy to disregard, especially in the face of impersonal matters like terrorism, poverty and corruption; or more personal matters like jobs, bills to be paid, not feeling able to find enough time for loved ones and fun.  What does the

Crossing the Bridges: Self Talk – What follows I AM

I speak less highly of myself than anyone else.  I am my own worst critic. Always have been.  Know how that feels?  You always manage to find something to be critical about?  The one person you criticize the most, whom you give the absolute least amount of slack to being you? I know that this does me no good.  If my plans are not completed or I get distracted or I fail to do as planned, I can count on

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