The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Letting Go

Letting go of things that do not serve you is immensely positive. I try very hard to let go of things that make me angry, or upset, or just generally unhappy. I find that if I dwell on things, if I hold onto negativity it becomes unbelievably hard to let go of. We all have situations that make us unhappy. We all have bad days, we all deal with people we would rather not deal with. It is completely unavoidable.

Positivity: Freedom

Freedom is a wonderful thing. Freedom means you and you alone get to choose the life you want. You can work a job of your choosing, have the relationship you want, be with the people you prefer, find and experience life in whatever way makes you happiest. Many of us take freedom for granted. We get caught up in the day to day things that often feel as though they take away our freedom. We have jobs, other people counting

Positivity: Words Matter

Words matter. It’s not simply what you say, it’s the thoughts behind the words, it’s the intent behind the words, it’s the feelings that words invoke. Words can make us and break us, they can inspire us or upset us. Words matter. When the words that you use regularly are negative it probably comes as no surprise that the result of this is more negativity. The dialogue I choose is going to effect the outcome of any conversation, whether internal

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