The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 197

Hindsight is not always twenty-twenty. We often look to the past, look to what has come before, and we think we see it in perfect clarity, now, after all that has occurred. But in truth, more often than we probably realize, hindsight gets colored by nostalgia, by wistfulness, by a sense that it was oh-so-good and can’t ever be that good again, but it really should be. The past is past. Period. What was is done, gone, and no more.

Pathwalking 196

Energy is the root of everything. Everything you can see, touch and experience begins with energy. That is what we are at our ultimate core; this is what everything in the universe begins with. Because of this fact, energy can be neither created nor destroyed, it simply changes form. Some forms are visible, some are not. Energy can be transmuted and manipulated to achieve different things at various times, but is always present. Science explains the universe in this manner.

Pathwalking 195

What am I afraid of? How come I constantly find myself uncertain, unsure and lost? Why can’t I break out of this pattern? I know how this goes, and yet I still find that I cannot get out of my own way. I am afraid I will disappoint. I am afraid of disapproval. I am afraid of letting people down. I am afraid to succeed. I am afraid to fail. Fear is the loudest message being broadcast to us. Every

Positivity: I AM

I am. These can be the two most powerful generators of positivity you can possibly imagine. The words “I am” can make your life as positive and happy or as negative and miserable as you choose. These two words create your world, whether consciously or unconsciously. I cannot stress emphatically enough just how powerful the words “I am” are. This is how you identify not only WHO you are, but HOW, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, and even WHY you are. These

Pathwalking 139

It is vitally important that you work on a positive attitude when Pathwalking. I have mentioned rather frequently that positivity is terribly important. If you do not remain positive, you might find yourself easily trapped in any number of undesired matters. Yet there are going to be days where remaining positive feels impossible. No matter what you do to restore your mindset, you just feel…off. You feel blue. This is particularly rough if, like me, you might be known to

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