The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 267

Why does anyone want to be wealthy?  What is wealth? American society, at least, has long believed in the idea that you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps, rise to the top and make yourself into a rich, successful individual if you just work hard enough.  Put your nose to the grindstone, work your ass off, and viola, you will be successful and rich. Wealth, however, is a much broader topic.  Being wealthy is not achieved by counting the

Some thoughts on True Things

Truth.  Most of you reading this know it already.  Those who most need to see this, to fundamentally understand it for what it is, probably won’t.  And even if they did, they would likely dismiss this as liberal bullshit, or some such. Mexicans are not pouring across our border as though the dam is broken.  Not by any stretch of the imagination.  Illegal immigrants are not everywhere, and taking your jobs!  This is simply a great big lie. Refugees are

Pathwalking 266

One of the hardest questions for many people to answer is – what do you want? For some, the reason this is difficult is because of fear that if they answer wrong, they’ll be unhappy with the outcome.  For some, there are many things they want and that is causing them to waffle.  For some they sincerely do not know what they want.  However, in all probability, it’s some combination of all of the above. Decision making can be surprisingly

Pathwalking 265

Sometimes keeping things in your head is exhausting. I am a thinker.  I am constantly thinking about things, great and small, major and minor, important and less so.  From food I want to eat to world situations to speculation about the next Star Wars movie to finances, I am constantly thinking. The problem with constantly thinking is that I am frequently finding darker thoughts clouding my emotions.  When you start to let negative emotions dominate, you wind up having a

Pathwalking 264

Carl Jung stated, “What you resist persists.” This was talking about avoiding or denying aspects of the self, but it is still completely applicable to consciousness creating reality, and overly focusing on what you do not want. One of the important aspects of Pathwalking in Practice is awareness.  What am I aware of right now?  Beyond that, and possibly more importantly, what am I thinking about right now? Subconsciously, we may be chewing on something we read, we may be

Pathwalking 263

This week I continue to work with Pathwalking in Practice. Last week I broke down the three means I believe everyone lives their life by:  letting life live you, curling up in a ball and waiting to die or living the life you want.  Pathwalking is a means to the end of living the life I want to live the most, and has evolved into a self-help philosophy I believe I can do more with, for myself and for others.

Pathwalking 262

With the start of this new year, I want to begin working on a new aspect of Pathwalking. Tentatively, this will be called Pathwalking in Practice. Pathwalking in Practice is setting up actionable items in order to better work on conscious reality creation. What is an actionable item?  The things you do to actually walk the path you are choosing. Everything we choose begins at the same point.  There is a thought, an idea, an inspiration.  Something you read opens

Pathwalking 261

This has been an interesting year. In some respects this goes with the Chinese curse of “May you live in interesting times”.  In some respects it has simply been full of odd and unusual, fascinating things.  In some respects it has just been interesting as opposed to uninteresting…and in some ways it’s very much Joss Whedon’s definition from Serenity: Mal: “Define interesting?” Wash: “Oh god oh god we’re all going to die?” Much of the latter is due to the

Pathwalking 260

This is where it all began, five years ago: How can I make a difference? This question comes up for me fairly often. I want to help other people see the world in the way that I see it. NOT in a ‘my way is the one true way’ idea at all. On the contrary – I want people to disagree with me. I want them to consider these words, and reject them if they disagree. I want them to

Pathwalking 259

There is a difference between being influenced by outside forces, and getting assistance from them. For some people this is not an easy distinction to make, but it’s a very important one. We are constantly surrounded by outside influences.  Most of the social media sites are a part of this.  They are striving for our attention, they want us to do and think and feel certain ways, which may or may not be compatible with what we REALLY want to