The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 135

I am not one who takes any sort of pleasure in the suffering of others. On the contrary – as an empath, I feel for those who have issues and suffering. I want, in fact, to do whatever I can to help people. This is often a complicated idea. In especial when I am dealing with people I don’t, in fact, know. Yet it is still a part of my nature to do whatever I can to help people see

Pathwalking 134

Do you sometimes wonder if I actually practice what I “preach”? I will not deny to you that there are days where I get caught up in everything I write about here. I get stuck in my routine, I allow myself unnecessary and sometimes even harmful distractions. I stand upon a path and spin about, unsure about moving forward or going backwards. Sometimes I wonder if this really is doable, or if I am just a liar? Last week I

Pathwalking 128

Pathwalking is more an emotional journey than a physical one. This is the part that I find I have the hardest time with overall. I can intellectualize the philosophy and I can give deep thought and a loud voice to the concept, but the necessary emotion behind it is a challenge. I have met many people along the way for whom emotion comes first. They can cry at the drop of a hat or they feel pretty much everything around

Pathwalking 122

There are signs and omens all around us, and we often miss them. Yes, I am about to get hooky-spooky on you, but please stay with me.  Once more I am going to explore an incredible paradox of our existence. Last week I wrote about the importance of critical thought.  I explored why we all need to not just act, but really give time and energy to analysis and critical thinking, before we form opinions and make various decisions. However,

Pathwalking 121

Critical thinking takes time and energy. We live in a society where things happen almost impossibly fast.  We can communicate instantly across the globe, we can pull up the weather on our smartphones in seconds, we can research information across the internet with a few keyclicks and so on. We have come, as such, to expect instant gratification.  We want what we want, and we want it NOW.  We get caught up in our mundane routines, and we let them

Pathwalking 106

Do you overthink things? This is a very important question, because knowing the answer makes a tremendous difference in how and where you find satisfaction in life. I often remark that my inner skeptic gets in the way of my plans.  But more realistically, I think, it is my tendency to overthink. What exactly is overthinking? Overthinking is when you consider every possible aspect and angle of a given situation, apply reason and logic, then rethink the whole thing, applying

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