The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 275

The squirrels in my brain can be terribly distracting. What does that mean?  When I am thinking about something, I frequently see not only the angle I wish to take, but alternative angles, results both good and bad, and all kinds of possibilities.  Because of this, I frequently find it difficult to manifest precisely what I wish to. I woke up the other morning feeling anxious.  I realized what it was that was causing me to feel anxious, but even

Pathwalking 274

Surrendering to the Universe is not easy. If, like me, you are almost obsessed with the how and why of things, then simply surrendering to the Universe is a particularly loaded concept.  It gets even more complicated if you are a skeptic or cynic. What does it mean to surrender?  It means you have to have faith. This, too, can be a really loaded concept.  We are frequently seeing around us people who are allowing their so-called “faith” to dictate

Pathwalking 273

Change is complicated. First, it is imperative to acknowledge this statement:  CHANGE IS INEVITABLE.  Things change, because that is the nature of the Universe. Because time is an illusion, how we perceive change varies.  Some change is quick and hard to miss.  Some is so glacially slow that we don’t realize that change is happening at all.  But everything changes, whether animal, vegetable or mineral.  Everything evolves, shifts, and transforms. The desert was once a sea.  Seeds grow into plants. 

Pathwalking 272

How do you find the line between being informed, and being overwhelmed by information? This is the question I find myself contending with fairly regularly of late.  Given all that is happening both in the USA and around the world, I find I need to remain informed, and keep in the know. However, there are so, so many things happening that this quickly becomes overwhelming. World news can be pretty crazy, but all the insane political actions happening in America

Pathwalking 271

Empathy is not a weakness. Empathy is not simply about understanding how someone else feels.  It is about understanding that, like you, other people have feelings, too. We all have desires, we all have wants, we all have needs.  Some are similar, such as food, shelter, clothing, companionship.  Yet even with the similarities, they still will vary from person to person.   The foods and quantities of food vary, the desired shelter differs, we like different clothing based on our individual

Pathwalking 270

We live in an abundant universe. Society, however, strives to contradict this fact.  We endlessly are bombarded with messages of insufficiency, wanting and lack.  It seems like everywhere we turn we are told there is not enough money to go around, dwindling resources, too little security, and overall an insufficient amount of this or that to accommodate everyone. Worse, even where lack doesn’t exist, there are plenty of people who use the fear of lack to maintain control.  If we

Pathwalking 269

Presumption can be majorly detrimental to your health. What am I talking about?  I think it’s pretty safe to say that everyone, at one time or another, has stumbled across something that caused them to make a presumption about the future.   For example, you find an unwrapped present your loved one acquired, or a letter that’s not addressed with either good news or bad news, or you find a job listing from your own company that looks suspiciously like your

Pathwalking 268

How clear is your vision? This is the question I have been contending with for a while now.  It is, to some degree, due to a lack of clarity in my vision and my end goals that I find myself not achieving them as I most desire. Part of my problem is that I sometimes want to hedge my bets.  I have a Plan A, a Plan B, and maybe even a Plan C.  The best part is, none of

Pathwalking 267

Why does anyone want to be wealthy?  What is wealth? American society, at least, has long believed in the idea that you can pull yourself up by your bootstraps, rise to the top and make yourself into a rich, successful individual if you just work hard enough.  Put your nose to the grindstone, work your ass off, and viola, you will be successful and rich. Wealth, however, is a much broader topic.  Being wealthy is not achieved by counting the

Pathwalking 266

One of the hardest questions for many people to answer is – what do you want? For some, the reason this is difficult is because of fear that if they answer wrong, they’ll be unhappy with the outcome.  For some, there are many things they want and that is causing them to waffle.  For some they sincerely do not know what they want.  However, in all probability, it’s some combination of all of the above. Decision making can be surprisingly

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