The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Are Our Persons Different From People?

The people who become our persons in this life can be an amazing source of Positivity. If, like me, you find that overall people make you crazy, you understand this distinction.  What it boils down to is those who we get close to in various ways are persons, as opposed to those who are the faceless masses we refer to as people. People in this sense tend to drive us nuts.  They cut you off on the road, they elect

Why Does the World Need More Positivity?

The world needs more positivity. Why?  Because when we feel positive, we feel good.  When we feel good, we enhance the ability to draw more good to ourselves.  As such, we empower ourselves.  When we are empowered, we are capable of almost anything. Unfortunately, we are living in a fear-based society.  We are inundated with negativity, we are told that there is lack and scarcity, and that we should fear the unknown, the untested, and the unfamiliar.  We sensationalize things

The Wrong Side of History

Dear haters, bigots, misogynists, and homophobes, Congratulations – you are on the wrong side of history. I am sorry to tell you that your hatred will not change public policy. Blacks, women, homosexuals, Hispanics, Hindis, Muslims, transgendered, fat and thin people and everyone else all will win equality, because that is what is right. There is no “gay agenda”, except maybe they want to be treated like everyone else. There is no Muslim world take-over conspiracy, the vast majority of

Pathwalking 138

There is some scary stuff happening in the world around us right now. In the United States we have this surreal situation in Missouri. I had really thought we left the hatred and fear and racism of the 1960’s back in the 20th century, but we seem to have all of that back again here and now. In the Ukraine we have separatists who are likely backed by the Russians stirring up nationalistic troubles. The Israelis and Palestinians of the

Pathwalking 130

Sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose. This is how life works. You cannot always get a medal just for participating. Sometimes you score a win, and sometimes you get a loss. This is how it is. The problem that comes of this is not about competition, and it is not about whether you are on the winning end or the losing one. The issue to pay attention to is whether you are gracious or sore in victory or defeat.