The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Positivity

Positivity cannot be created by thought alone. It cannot be forced. Over the years there have been numerous concepts presented to us about the “power of positive thinking”. What many take away from this notion is that if you think positive, you will create a better life for yourself. The problem is, that’s only half the battle, so to speak. It is not just thought, but feeling. If you think positive but don’t feel positive, the end result is not

Positivity: Thanks Giving

This week we will be celebrating Thanksgiving (at least in the United States). I want to ignore both the moral issues of the Colonists and Native Americans, as well as the modern-day commercialization of the holidays overall, and focus on the words and the intent. Thanks. Giving. Giving Thanks. I have said that Thank You are the two most powerful words in the English language after I AM. While the specifics of this particular day may not be to everyone’s

Positivity: THANK YOU

Thank you. The words “thank you” are powerful generators of positivity. If “I am” are the most important generators of positivity, then “thank you” are the next most important. Thank you is the simplest and yet possibly the most powerful means to convey gratitude. Thank you can change a negative moment into a positive one. It is not just powerful when you are thanked, but equally powerful when you are thanking. Hearing “thank you” conveys a sense of accomplishment, of

Positivity: Gratitude

Gratitude has the power to change the world. Lately I have seen many people online participating in sharing daily gratitude. There is nothing in the world quite so powerful as gratitude to build positivity. Expressing what you are grateful for is about as pure a positive act as you can create. Taking note of and stating the things you are grateful for is always positivity. Recognizing the good things you have in your life and giving thanks for them is

Pathwalking 90

We all want to be appreciated. Whether it is something little or something big, we all want to be acknowledged.  We all want to feel that our efforts and works are appreciated. The power of gratitude is important to our own ability to do and to have things, but we cannot deny the power of appreciation.  We need to be grateful for things, but we also need to be acknowledged and appreciated for the things we do. I know no

Pathwalking 89

I have discussed the power of gratitude before.  But it is SO important to Pathwalking, it really bears repeating. It is almost impossible to improve upon what you have in life, whether it is something material or immaterial, if you are not already grateful for what you DO have. Great or small, tangible or intangible, important or unimportant in the grand scheme of things, it is absolutely necessary that you have gratitude. There are times gratitude feels hard.  When you

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