The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Am I Worthy and Deserving?

I am worthy and deserving of awesomeness in my life. It’s interesting how often I need to remind myself of this.  There have been many instances where I do not feel as though I deserve to have the things I desire in my life. Crossing the Bridges is the most personal of my weekly posts.  I am exploring not only my philosophies and approaches to life, but my actual, factual life. In Positivity I pointed out that YOU are amazing! 

How Do I Express All My Appreciation?

I am not sure I can fully express just how much appreciation I have for each and every one of you who follows my journey. When I began The Ramblings of the Titanium Don, I had no real direction, and just randomly posted from time to time.  Almost six years ago I started Pathwalking, and with that developed some direction.  Now this entire blog has a purpose, and it is my hope that you’ll stick with me as I explore

Will Your Path Make You Happy?

What is important to me is that I live a good life, and am happy more often than not. We all have different priorities.  Nobody’s emotions are exactly the same.  While we may give our emotions the same names, odds are how they feel to each of us differs. Taking that another step, what makes me happy is going to be different from what makes you happy.  Not just because of how it may feel differently to each of us,