The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Thanks Giving

This week we will be celebrating Thanksgiving (at least in the United States). I want to ignore both the moral issues of the Colonists and Native Americans, as well as the modern-day commercialization of the holidays overall, and focus on the words and the intent. Thanks. Giving. Giving Thanks. I have said that Thank You are the two most powerful words in the English language after I AM. While the specifics of this particular day may not be to everyone’s

Positivity: Cleaning

Sometimes it seems like a chore, but there is nothing like cleaning to create a more positive environment. When you clear away the clutter, vacuum up the dirt, dust the shelves, whatever you do to clean your space, it changes the feeling. That change can create a huge amount of positivity. I find that when I let my space go; when the clutter on my desk becomes a precarious stack of paper and and books and stuff – I find

Positivity: Help

There is great power in both helping, and allowing yourself to be helped. Some people see needing assistance as a weakness. They see needing other people to do whatever it is they are trying to do as a sign of failure. But the truth is, we need people. What’s more, there are going to be times when we need help from people. Further, there are times when giving aid is equally important. I don’t know anybody who can do everything.

Pathwalking 128

Pathwalking is more an emotional journey than a physical one. This is the part that I find I have the hardest time with overall. I can intellectualize the philosophy and I can give deep thought and a loud voice to the concept, but the necessary emotion behind it is a challenge. I have met many people along the way for whom emotion comes first. They can cry at the drop of a hat or they feel pretty much everything around

Pathwalking 127

What do you do when it feels like it’s all for naught? How do you handle that feeling of being on the verge of tears, ready but unable to cry, in pain physical or emotional? What do you do when you feel as if all of your efforts, all of your brave talk and tough choices feel as though they mean nothing? Don’t fight it. Let it out. Feel the sadness. Feel the disappointment. Cry if you can. Sigh and

Pathwalking 126

There are many people who suffer from self esteem issues. It is surprising just how many people have poor self esteem. It is often masked in one of a myriad of ways, and so well hidden as to be unrecognizable. But a lack of self esteem can be soul crushing, and can easily derail you from any path you might choose. Before you can do anything for anyone, yourself included, you have to have self-respect. This is an aspect of

Pathwalking 125

Showing vulnerability is not weakness. Everybody is vulnerable.  It does not matter who you are, what you have gone through in this life, what experiences you have had.  Everybody has vulnerabilities. This is simply a part of human nature.  We all have something that makes us vulnerable, and it is something different for each and every one of us. What does vulnerable mean, anyhow? defines it as such: adjective 1.capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt, as by a weapon: a vulnerable part of the body. to moral attack, criticism, temptation, etc.: an argument vulnerable to refutation; He is vulnerable to bribery. 3. (of a place) open to assault; difficult to defend: a vulnerable bridge. Capable of being attacked

Pathwalking 94

You are stronger than you realize. I am not talking about your physical strength here.  I mean that you are mentally, emotionally, and spiritually stronger than you realize. Every day we deal with tests of our strength.  Some are rather minor and simply inconvenient – traffic on the way to work, the line at the grocery store, unruly clients on the phone, family members trying our patience. Some, though, are fairly large and complicated – accidents causing serious injury, bankruptcy,

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