The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 92

A lot of time here has been spent on the topic of gratitude.  But of almost equal importance, we need to also take a look at intention. Intent is about the outcome.  Intent is about the perception of a choice.  Intent is the answer to how you want whatever it is you are working on to be. Knowing our intent is of great importance, because if we do not know our intent, we will not necessarily get the outcome we

Pathwalking 91

Writers are often classed into one of two categories: Planners and Pantsers. Planners are the ones who create an outline, sometimes with immense details, and plan out their work to a greater or lesser degree.  They know their characters, locations, plot, beginning middle and end.  They have most if not all of their work pre-planned, and they know where they are going throughout the writing process. Pantsers are the ones who are more apt to go with stream-of-consciousness.  They have

Pathwalking 90

We all want to be appreciated. Whether it is something little or something big, we all want to be acknowledged.  We all want to feel that our efforts and works are appreciated. The power of gratitude is important to our own ability to do and to have things, but we cannot deny the power of appreciation.  We need to be grateful for things, but we also need to be acknowledged and appreciated for the things we do. I know no

Pathwalking 89

I have discussed the power of gratitude before.  But it is SO important to Pathwalking, it really bears repeating. It is almost impossible to improve upon what you have in life, whether it is something material or immaterial, if you are not already grateful for what you DO have. Great or small, tangible or intangible, important or unimportant in the grand scheme of things, it is absolutely necessary that you have gratitude. There are times gratitude feels hard.  When you

Pathwalking 88

I know what I want to do.  I can see the Path I want to choose to walk.  That does not mean it is always easy, or clear.  Some days, I do not know if I am only seeing my path, or traveling upon it. Morpheus says in The Matrix, “Sooner or later you’re going to realize, just as I did, that there’s a difference between knowing the path, and walking the path.”  Yoda says in The Empire Strikes Back,

Pathwalking 87

I have come to realize that if I am having doubts and issues and struggles along MY path, it is certain you are too.  Pathwalking began as a challenge to myself to post something to the blog weekly, and has evolved into a lifestyle choice, and a philosophy that I think can be beneficial to practically everyone. But with any lifestyle choice that encourages going “against the grain” or outside of the “status quo”, there are unique challenges. Many of

Individuality and sameness

Humans are unique to this world in so very many ways.  The manner in which we live our lives, the technologies we build, the means by which we communicate is vastly different from the rest of the animals on planet Earth. We are also unique in the ways we differentiate ourselves from one another.  Skin color, religion, nationality, political stance, gender…in our quest for individuality, we identify ourselves in increasingly divisive ways.  Yet we all strive to find common ground. 

Thoughts on opposition

Do you know what happens if we stand against one another, in opposition?  Do you know what we accomplish, what we achieve? Nothing. That’s right.  Opposing this and standing against that and resisting things gets you a whole lot of nothing.  It gets you nowhere. Look at the federal government.  Rather than work on a replacement for Obamacare, what do they do?  Oppose it.  And what do they accomplish?  Nothing. Carl Jung told it simply.  “What you resist, persists.” What

Back to the future?

When did 2013 become 1950 all over again? In history class, when I was in high school back in the very early 1990’s, we studied the civil rights movement and learned about all the progress the country had made since the likes of Rosa Parks and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and so on and so forth. In the year 2008 we elected the first black man to the Presidency of the United States.  Amazing! All that progress, all that

Do not let them win

Do not let them win. Who are they?  They are the people who are against us.  They are the people who are working all the time to do whatever they can to change how we live, and more – to have us live in fear. This is not just about the horrid people who would set off bombs in public and murder innocents.  This is about the world in which we live, and our increasing willingness to sacrifice how we