The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Crossing the Bridges: Self Promotion vs Narcissism

There is a fine line between narcissism and self-promotion. The former is when absolutely everything is all about YOU, and in no way beneficial to anyone else.  A narcissist practically screams, “Look at me! LOOK AT ME!  See the things I am doing?  Pay attention to me!” The latter is somewhat about you, but it is also about sharing.  There is some benefit for other people.  A self-promoter says, “Hey, I did this thing.  Please take a look at it. 


Privacy has become a major topic of conversation recently. More specifically, violations of privacy have been all over the media.  And the outrage is vocal and impressive. However, the blame, which everyone is trying to ascribe, really comes down to one place. Ourselves. After the events of 9/11/01, Americans allowed the government to take unprecedented actions in direct violation of our constitutional rights to “protect” us from terrorism.  And, this should come as no surprise, the US government extended and

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