The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: New Day, New Way

New day, new way. No matter how I am feeling about what lies ahead of me, I know that this is a new day, and no matter what I have coming to me, there is always a new way. It is so very easy to get caught up in routine.  There is often comfort in our routine, which I think is part of why we as a species are so fond of maintaining status quo and continuing through certain patterns

Positivity: Go ahead, Smile

What makes you smile? What can you look at, listen to, or read that puts a smile on your face?  Is there anyone you can speak with who can make you laugh and smile, someone who has that effect on you? We all need to take some time to seek out sources of light and laughter.  We all need to find and enjoy things that make us smile. We are living in a world where fear and anger and terror

Positivity: Something to Smile About

What brings a smile to your face? What memories, what images, what sounds, what smells, what touches, what thoughts will make you smile? What brings a smile to your face? These are the things we need to have at our disposal for when we are inundated by negativity. We need to have these tools available to us so that we can give ourselves an easy means to creating positivity instead. Some days it feels like a major struggle to invoke