The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Celebrate our Similarities

We should celebrate our sameness more. The things that make us all similar, our basic humanity and our universal desires for love and happiness, are not something to be ignored.  These things that we all share are amazing, and we should celebrate them. We need to deemphasize our differences and the things that divide us, and make a bigger deal about our commonalities.  There is tremendous positivity in unity and in our sameness. We put too great importance on physical

Positivity: Independence

Everyone desires independence. Certainly there are times when having someone else to make decisions for you might be appealing, but overall I cannot think of anyone who doesn’t want independence. Today is Independence Day in the United States.  While this is a national holiday celebrating our declaration of independence from Great Britain two-hundred and forty years ago, the concept of independence is far broader.  All of us, as individuals, are independent of thought, of action, and of feeling.  No one

Positivity: Living in the Now

In the now we are in control of our own feelings, thoughts and actions. Right now, at this very moment, I can choose how I want to feel.  I get to choose if I want to worry about future events or reminisce about past events.  I get to choose, right now, what I want to think about.  I choose my actions at this moment. Society obsesses with both the past and the future.  We think of the past that times

Positivity: How we approach the things we have to do

Welcome to another Monday.  Yes, the weekend is over.  How do you choose to face the work week? This is so much more within our control than we realize.  Since we are each in control of our own emotional state, as such we each get to choose how we will face the day, and that can totally set the tone for how we face the coming week. I know some of the arguments that can made against this perspective.  It’s

Positivity: Love

Love is the ultimate expression of positivity. We live in a world where love often takes a back seat to fear, to ignorance, to terror, to shame, and ultimately to hate.  Yet love is something every single one of us needs, to the same degree as we need air and food and water. Love is often made out to be this grandiose, monstrous thing, often hard to come by, hard to keep, and hard to maintain.  Nothing could be further

Pathwalking 123

Pathwalking can be as simple as 1-2-3. However, we have an amazing capacity for over-complicating our lives.  Every day need not be a struggle. Many of the things we find challenging are only a difficulty because we MAKE them difficult. We are all hard wired with this need to have a system of beliefs.  There are things we know, things we are absolutely certain of, and while some of these things are in fact solid and unchangeable, more than most

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