The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

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Everybody has comfort zones. We all have places where we feel most comfortable.  Some are literal, some are figurative.  Each of us have places where we can go to feel comfort, to feel calm, to just be without overtaxing ourselves. The problem with comfort zones is that sometimes they can be very hard to break out of. One of the things about Pathwalking is that it is my way of choosing my own destiny, going my own way as makes

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Just be. Two simple words that convey far more power and meaning than we realize.  Two words to sum up our very existence. Our culture feels equally obsessed with the past and the future.  Frequently we are inundated with messages about how we need to go back, return to what we were, restore something how it used to be.  On the other side of the coin we frequently are deluged with the messages about how we need to go forward,

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Pathwalking is in no way a selfish act. Yes, I am working on living a life of my own choosing.  But I am not doing anything that is selfish in the process.  In fact, I believe that in working to choose and walk my own paths, I am a better listener, friend and confidant. How can you be doing more for yourself but still suggest you do more for others? None of this is about quantity.  On the contrary, this

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Are you true to yourself? Do you treat yourself in the same manner you wish to be treated by others?  Do you respect yourself?  Do you hold yourself in high esteem?  Do you like yourself?  Do you love yourself? It never ceases to amaze me how little we ask these questions of ourselves.  We are so keen to learn how those around us are doing, how our friends and family are feeling, how our coworkers are handling stress – we

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Do you care for and love your self as you ought to? In today’s society, we have become so focused on our jobs, our families, our friends, our coworkers, our education, our finances, our possessions, our weekends, and so on and so forth – that we have become utterly negligent of the self. I came across this notion of Pathwalking – and choosing my own life’s path – because I took a look at who I was, and determined I

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