The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Brain Weasels Suck

The brain weasels lie about everything. I am going to put them in their place. This was an excellent weekend for me. I got to see a close friend receive a well-deserved accolade. As part of that, I got to spend time with other friends – an in-person gathering with people I only get to see a couple of times a year. People I have not seen in at least 15 months. The positivity of that experience is immeasurable. I

Simple Tasks and a Sense of Accomplishment

Never underestimate the positivity simple tasks can create. When it comes to goals and the things we are working to do for our lives, they tend to be large. These are not necessarily just the uber-achievement, huge-money-making large. These are also the not-instantaneous, multiple steps required large. Like building a business, evolving a relationship, or writing and selling a novel. When you’re pressing towards such a goal, it’s easy to get caught up in the work that goes into it.

Focus on What You Can Control

Be mindful when you focus on matters outside of your control. We live in a mad, mad, mad world. Here in the United States, we’ve reached this bizarre place where a lot of people believe in a demonstrably false reality. Despite all evidence and logic to the contrary – they buy into any number of lies told to them by politicians, business leaders, religious leaders, and so on. If, like me, you question things, strive to learn, grow, and evolve

Choosing the So-Called “Easy Path” is not Easy

The “easy path” is what leads many people to depression, anxiety, and the like. What is the easy path? The easy path is the conventional path. It’s doing the expected and shoehorning yourself into a “normal” life. To be fair, there are people for whom this is fine. A normal, conventional life makes them content, happy, and fulfilled. I have nothing but respect for that – and if you are in that boat, more power to you. Unfortunately, I think

Getting Myself Consciously and Subconsciously Aligned

I know my goals – short and long term – now I just need to get aligned. When I was 9 years old, I wrote my first work of fiction. It was 50 pages and illustrated – and I got a tremendous sense of accomplishment from creating it. Over the years, I continued to write in fits and starts. While I knew my passion was writing, I bought into a whole lot of the notorious lies about it. Most writers

Focusing Within Gives You More Control Than Focusing Without

I need to put less into focusing on the things outside of my control. We live in a crazy world. After a year that featured massive, necessary social change due to a pandemic, an awful election and ongoing ugliness after it, and massive uncertainty – there is a light at the end of the tunnel. But that light isn’t the same for everyone. For some people it’s daylight – for others, it’s an oncoming train. This is largely dependent on

Replacing Self-Help with Self-Encouragement

Most people could use self-encouragement over self-help. Let’s face it – the idea of self-help has been hacked to pieces for many people. It’s like being in a sudden deluge of rain. You were soaked to the bone after a few seconds – but it continues to inundate you. A lot of people get frustrated with all the notions of self-help. In time, it goes from the simple idea that you are capable of working on your inner being and

This is Who I Am

Who I am – an honest assessment of my flawed, imperfect self. Almost ten and a half years ago, I began to explore this philosophy I call Pathwalking. Over that time, all of the articles I have written, additional blogging on mindfulness, conscious reality creation, positivity, and the like have changed who I am and how I approach my life. The change has been for the better. But while I am in a good place – I am still working

“Us” versus “Them” Is A Lie

The impact of “us” versus “them” harms our life paths. All of us live inside this society to one degree or another. Thus, all of us are equally subjected to a particularly damaging lie. The artifice of “us” versus “them.” All too often, this is used by those in “power” for control. They create “laws” supposedly intent on protecting “us” from “them.” All you have to do is look at the United States right now. Voter laws, anti-transgender measures, the

This Isn’t Self-Help Psychological Mumbo-Jumbo

Self-help involves any and all acknowledgment of mental health matters. Mental health is important. And the stigma that still exists regarding aspects of it helps nobody. A lot of different elements go into working on mental health. Many of these elements work best when combined. Therapy, psychopharmacology, and self-help notions can be used separately. But often a combination of these proves to be most effective. In my experience, the best way to not just find but stay balanced and centered