The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Crossing the Bridges: Taking Steps

Crossing the bridges is only possible when you start taking steps. I intend to become a best-selling author.  While I write several different things in different genres, one of the intents of this particular blog is determining better ways to traverse bridges between these writing styles. However, in many respects, the first bridge I need to cross is between the life I currently have to the life that I actually want to have. I have written it before, and I

Crossing the Bridges: Self Talk – What follows I AM

I speak less highly of myself than anyone else.  I am my own worst critic. Always have been.  Know how that feels?  You always manage to find something to be critical about?  The one person you criticize the most, whom you give the absolute least amount of slack to being you? I know that this does me no good.  If my plans are not completed or I get distracted or I fail to do as planned, I can count on

Crossing the Bridges: Taking Action

Time to take action. I have been a bit stuck in regards to promoting my writing.  I blog thrice a week, sure, and Seeker, Finder and Clouds of Authority are all available on Amazon.  But I have haven’t done much to promote any of these recently, and generate more sales. Writing the story is one thing.  Editing it is another.  Formatting and publishing it is not the last step, by any stretch of the imagination.  At least, not when you

Crossing the Bridges: Best Laid Plans…

Do you beat yourself up when you fail to follow-through on something? Do you spend time berating yourself, getting upset over mistakes and failures to launch?  Do you start to feel bad, to spiral negatively when you had all the right intentions but then don’t complete your plan? Most people do.  I know I do.  I get annoyed with myself, and start to feel bad when I make a plan and then I don’t move on it. Last week I

Crossing the Bridges: Planning into Action

Planning is all well-and-good.  It’s the actions that I find frequently challenging. The purpose of this particular blog is to share personal accountability as I do the things I do to live the life I most desire to live.  Positivity is specifically sharing positive things to combat negativity while Pathwalking is more specifically about the mechanics of my conscious reality creation process.  Crossing the Bridges is my personal journey, and the challenges as I take it. I have written about

Crossing the Bridges: Overcoming the art of Self-Sabotage

Crossing the Bridges can be difficult if you insist on burning them down before you reach the other side. I have always been a fan of the phrase, “I’ll burn that bridge when I come to it.”  I know the word should be cross, but I think I’m a pretty funny guy, so I use burn instead. The problem is, I DO have a tendency to burn the bridges, often while I am right in the middle of the span.

Crossing the Bridges: Getting to the Other Side

I can see across the bridge.  So how come it feels like I will never get to the other side? Look familiar?  I don’t know anyone who has not dealt with this sort of thing.  You know where you want to go, you’ve a pretty good idea how to get there, you are on your way…yet it seems like you will never manage to arrive. The metaphor of Crossing the Bridges can feel very literal at times.  I am where

Pathwalking 166

What is it I want from my life? Where do I want to take this path to? Who do I really want to be? Now that I have identified the real fear that causes me to sabotage myself, that being the fear of loss, what chances do I want to take that would lead to succeeding or failing? What is it I want to gain from my success or failure? This is a very hard question for me to answer.

Pathwalking 165

How do I overcome my fears so that I can stop from sabotaging myself again? This is a question I have never directly asked myself before, and now that I have it is time to explore it, and find some answers. The first step is to identify my fears. As mentioned previously, I have an equal fear of failure and success. However, even knowing that these are the two greatest fears that cause me to sabotage myself, they are not

Pathwalking 164

How do you determine if you are your own saboteur? This is a topic unfortunately near and not-so-dear to my heart. This concept has reared its ugly head on more than one occasion for me, and represents a major obstacle in my works to manifest the life I truly desire to have. How do you sabotage yourself? This is something I have been trying to figure out for much of my life now, and I believe that getting at its