The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

A Not-So-Bitter Pill to Swallow

Releasing a long-time fear isn’t the bitter pill I thought it might be. For most of my life, the opinions of others have been of the utmost importance to me. I’ve sought approval, recognition, and generally being liked. More and more, though, it’s become increasingly evident to me that this doesn’t matter. At least, not in the way I tend to emphasize it. What do I mean? The short answer is that the opinions of others are not what makes

I Don’t Know

It’s okay that I don’t know – because it means I’ve something new to learn. Recently, I had a discussion with a friend about learning new things. In this instance, we were talking about a personal lesson regarding a mutual acquaintance. Said acquaintance, whom I only trust as far as I can throw (which isn’t far) did something hugely upsetting to my friend. It was behavior I’ve seen from that person before – so it came as no surprise to

Don’t Trip Over How

Along any given path it’s easy to trip over how It’s been a decade since I began to seek, find, and walk my chosen path. This has occurred in fits and starts, with some success here and achievement there. But there is one hurdle, one obstacle that still tends to trip me up. How. Further, this gets complicated by walking the line of reality as it is now versus as it could be via conscious reality creation. I know where

Why Choose Positivity?

Because choosing positivity empowers you. Every day, you have choices. Get out of bed or sleep in? Oatmeal or yogurt for breakfast? Make or order lunch? Steak or chicken for dinner? Go to bed at 10 or 11? These choices are frequent, constant, and seemingly insignificant. But they are neither inconsequential nor insignificant. Life is all about choices. Great or small, everything you choose impacts everything you do. For example – let’s say you sleep in. And sleep past your

The Problem With Neutrality

Maintaining neutrality over positivity or negativity doesn’t serve you when it comes to choices and decisions. For years, I have espoused the values of conscious reality creation, mindfulness, and positivity in my Pathwalking philosophy. When it comes to positivity, however, many quickly jump to toxic positivity. In the simplest of terms, toxic positivity is positivity used to disregard, ignore, and erase negativity at the expense of true awareness. If the opposite of positivity is negativity – and it is –

When You Go Looking for Negativity You Will Find It

Actively looking for negativity does nobody any good at all. We all know people who are constantly complaining. With few exceptions, there is something they can and will say on the negative in virtually any given situation. And they always will. Why? Because when you are actively looking for negativity, you will find it. You will always find it. This is beyond the concept of conscious reality creation. That’s because anyone seeking negatives in a given situation tends to have

Be Who You Love

Be who you love – and your life will reflect that. Self-love is often misunderstood and viewed as selfish, arrogant, egotistical, and many other negative connotations. But the truth of self-love is that the person you spend the most time with is you. In fact, you cannot leave yourself, abandon yourself, or set yourself aside. Of course, astral projection, distractions, drugs, alcohol, and other things can separate you from yourself temporarily. But no matter where you go – there you

Fitting in and Being Liked

Fitting in and being liked are not all that important when all is said and done. Throughout my teen years and well into my thirties, I really wanted to fit in. Not necessarily in the grand scheme of society – but within the structures that I spent time in. Before high school, I spent my formative years as an outsider. I was the odd, fat, short Jewish kid from the single-parent home in our very Lutheran Midwest suburban neighborhood. In

Normalizing Mental Health Matters

Let’s get real – normalizing mental health matters is the elephant in every room. What the hell is normal, anyhow? The answer is far easier than we tend to make it. Normal is what’s right for you. Yet society has concocted numerous bizarre notions of what normal should be. For example – man and woman marry and produce children; you work a 9-5 job Monday-Friday; hobbies are gender-specific. Then, it often goes deeper and becomes a lot more insidious. Rather

Balance for Yourself and Those You Love

Nobody is truly alone in this life. There needs to be balance for yourself and for those you love. The paths I have chosen to take for my life are mine alone. They have similarities to the paths others take – but they are still unique to me. However – I am not a single solitary figure. I have a wife, friends, and family I love deeply, and various people and responsibilities I have taken on. So, while living my