The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Crossing the Bridges: The Illusion of Time

Where does the time go when it’s not around here? Ever feel like you are always chasing time?  Like no matter what you do, there is seldom enough or it runs out or expires or what-have-you? Of course, it doesn’t help that time is completely and totally subjective.  The great scientist Albert Einstein famously said, “Time is an illusion.”  Douglas Adams even expanded upon that in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy with “Time is an illusion.  Lunchtime doubly so.”

Crossing the Bridges: Self Promotion vs Narcissism

There is a fine line between narcissism and self-promotion. The former is when absolutely everything is all about YOU, and in no way beneficial to anyone else.  A narcissist practically screams, “Look at me! LOOK AT ME!  See the things I am doing?  Pay attention to me!” The latter is somewhat about you, but it is also about sharing.  There is some benefit for other people.  A self-promoter says, “Hey, I did this thing.  Please take a look at it. 

Crossing the Bridges: Life in Multiple Worlds

I feel as if I live in multiple worlds sometimes. See if this is familiar for you in any way. First, there is Professional Me.  I hold a job, I pay my bills, I do the necessary things one does to live in this society.  I also happen to be involved in civics, as I serve as President of a local Chamber of Commerce. Second, there is Author Me.  I keep this blog, I write and edit novels.  I constantly

Crossing the Bridges: Introduction

I am something of a modern Renaissance Man. First and foremost, I am a writer. Almost five years ago I began Pathwalking.  This is my personal philosophy on how to choose my own destiny, so that I might live the life I most desire to have. I started Positivity more than two-and-a-half years ago.  One Monday morning all I saw was lamentation for the new week, and a deluge of negative posts across social media.  So I decided that I

Pathwalking 75

Life is a day by day experience. Every day brings with it something new, something different, something unique.  Every day presents a new challenge, a new opportunity, new duties and new privileges. How we approach each new day, right from the start, is going to have a major effect on the day’s outcome.  It is so very easy to forget this fact, and equally easy to let it drag us down to somewhere we would rather not be. If you

Pathwalking 74

Some days it feels utterly impossible to walk a path of my own choosing. There are days when the notion of living a life of my own choosing seems equally dissatisfying as letting life live me.  It just seems like too much work, too much effort, too much focus. I sit in front of my computer, pondering researching something or writing something or some other useful thing…and I have no desire.  Expending any effort seems like a struggle. I move

Pathwalking 73

We are all creators.  We live in the world we make. This is so very easy to disbelieve.  Circumstances put us in places we never wanted to be, and we don’t always live in the world we would make.  But the statement is still true. “If you will it, it is no dream.”  – Theodore Herzl I Pathwalk because I do not want to be a victim of circumstance, and I want to make my own world.  I want to

Pathwalking 71

“Shallow men believe in luck. Strong men believe in cause and effect.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson. Luck is an interesting topic.  Many people believe that it is luck, good or bad, that makes our lives. Luck of the draw.  Luck of the Irish.  Good luck.  Bad luck.  Lucky in love.  Unlucky in love. Pathwalking is about finding and making your own path in life.  Luck has nothing to do with this. Yes, I will not deny that sometimes it is

Pathwalking 69

One of the most often used phrases people throw around is “forgive, but don’t forget.”  While many are champions of applying this to others in their lives, this is somewhere many of us fail at when it comes to ourselves. What do I mean by that?  We are good at forgiving but forgetting when others do wrong by us, but not so good at this with ourselves.  When it comes to our own mistakes, errors, stupidities and such, we are

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While Pathwalking is a philosophy, Pathwalking is also the ultimate form of self help.  Why?  Because you and you alone are in control. I know many people who turn to various self-help gurus to find ways to do what I’ve been talking about here every week for the past eleven and a half months.  I myself have explored many of these, reading Steven Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Bob Proctor’s You Were Born Rich, Spencer Johnson’s Who Moved

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