The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 209

The coming new year often brings with it reflections on the year that has been. It is important to acknowledge what has been. Denying the past leads to incredibly dangerous places sometimes, so it is good to be mindful of it. The other danger is living in the past. Because change can be so scary, there are many people who want what was. They want what they feel nostalgia for, they want that happier, more innocent time. Truth is, that

Pathwalking 208

Discipline for me does not come easily. I have always had issues with self discipline. Whether it is my diet, my writing and editing time or anything else requiring focus and attention – I have regularly found it challenging to hold to what needs to happen to get where I want to go. This week I will share with you my plans, and work out with you what actions I need to take in order to create the discipline I

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