The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 203

As I walk my own path, I do not do so ignoring the paths of others. My path is unique, as is yours, his, hers…everybody’s. However, no path is more important than another, and no one of us is any better than the rest. We are all equal, and we are all one. Society has become utterly obsessed with division. We are split along lines of gender, or sexual orientation, or rich and poor, black and white…take your pick. Scientifically,

Pathwalking 202

How do I go about taking responsibility for my own empowerment? There are several ways to make this happen, which I would like to share with you this week. The first step is that we need to acknowledge our own accountability. How? By taking responsibility for our thoughts, feelings and actions. Nobody can control anybody else, unless you allow someone else to be in control. As such, you and you alone are the responsible party when it comes to your

Pathwalking 201

Responsibility is not a dirty word. We often look at responsibilities we have with dread. Let’s face it, there are many things that are a must which most of us would prefer not to do. Trips to the DMV, visiting the doctor or dentist, standing in line at movies or concerts, sitting in traffic because we have to get to wherever it is we are going. Responsibility seems to frequently be lumped into negative things. We see this as a