The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: How do you feel?

How do you feel? You probably get this question or some variable of it a lot. How are you? How you feeling? How’s it going? It is also highly probable that more often than not you either ignore the question, or give a non-committal eh or ok or fine or good or such. This is a more important question than we give weight to, and it is in truth a powerful tool for generating positivity. How DO you feel? It’s

Positivity: Everybody Matters

Everybody matters. Black or white, male or female, big or small, fat or thin, rich or poor, gay or straight or in-between – you matter. We all are important in our own ways, and we all have an equal deserving of rights and protections and such. Everybody matters. Some communities, groups and cultures are more privileged than others. This is true whether you care to accept it or no, but for some the struggle to matter is easier and does

Positivity: Turning Negativity Around

What do I do when I am surrounded by negative people? That’s a really good question. What DO you do? In especial when you have no means by which to escape them (co-workers and family come to mind here). This is not too dissimilar in respects to news articles and social media posts calling attention to negative things, except those you can delete and ignore. How do you deal with other people’s negativity and not have that impact you? Every

Pathwalking 161

What happens when you run out of choices? The truth is, you never run out of choices. However, sometimes a situation reaches a point where the options available to you all appear to be undesirable. We forget that we are currently the product of our past thoughts and actions. Who we are at this moment is directly related to who we have conjured ourselves to be. What does that mean? If, as I regularly posit, consciousness creates reality, then what

Pathwalking 160

Disappointment happens. It is something we cannot avoid. When there is something we want or desire or have our hopes about – and that thing does not happen – disappointment occurs. This is a part of human nature. When we have our wants and desires denied us, we become displeased and we cannot help but feel disappointment. Yes, I have stated here rather frequently that you feel what you allow yourself to feel. I have also stated that you should

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