The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 135

I am not one who takes any sort of pleasure in the suffering of others. On the contrary – as an empath, I feel for those who have issues and suffering. I want, in fact, to do whatever I can to help people. This is often a complicated idea. In especial when I am dealing with people I don’t, in fact, know. Yet it is still a part of my nature to do whatever I can to help people see

Pathwalking 134

Do you sometimes wonder if I actually practice what I “preach”? I will not deny to you that there are days where I get caught up in everything I write about here. I get stuck in my routine, I allow myself unnecessary and sometimes even harmful distractions. I stand upon a path and spin about, unsure about moving forward or going backwards. Sometimes I wonder if this really is doable, or if I am just a liar? Last week I

Positivity: Consciousness Creates Reality

Consciousness creates reality. This is an amazingly positive statement. It boils down to one simple notion – you create your own world. It is astounding and somewhat upsetting just how many outside forces work continuously to disprove this notion. We are told that circumstances are beyond our control, and that there are limitations and so on and so forth. We are frequently disempowered, and we wind up disbelieving this idea entirely. Despite all the forces arrayed against this concept, they

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