The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What Can I Do to Take Control?

This is much easier than you think it is – but – taking control requires some hard work on your self. What can you control? Honestly, it’s a VERY short list. To sum up – you. You have the power to control your appearance – what you wear, how you cut your hair, piercings, tattoos, and so on. Beneath the surface, you can control your thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions. Underneath that, you have control over your mindset/headspace/psyche. How you

It Depends on Your Perspective

How you see life, the Universe, and everything is a matter of perspective. All the ways in which you experience life are a matter of perspective. Take Monday, for example. I know a LOT of people who get to Monday and automatically get negative. This is how they approach work, school, the daily grind, and so on. Monday morning is unwelcome. That’s one perspective. What if, instead, Monday were to represent new opportunities? How do you approach work when you

Can or Can’t Both Belong to You

Your belief in whether you can or can’t do a thing will dictate the outcome. You are capable of just about anything you can think of. I know that seems improbable. But it’s still the truth. Henry Ford famously said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right.” The truth of that statement tends to get lost on people. If you think you can’t do something – you’re right. If you think you can do something

Are You Alive Today?

If you are reading this, you are alive. That’s huge – and a matter of tremendous positivity. With the loss of one of the great champions of justice, many of my friends are feeling hopeless. Let’s be honest – things are beyond distressing for just about everyone right now. The uncertainty is at levels I know I’ve never felt before. Even if you’ve had personal uncertainty, the general, collective uncertainty today is palpable. We are still dealing with COVID-19 (and

Is Optimism Inappropriate Now?

Optimism is never misplaced or inappropriate. But it needs to be in the context of reality. Optimism in the world today seems like a Pollyanna, rose-colored glasses, unrealistic attitude. In the United States, we are still in the middle of an out-of-control pandemic; an utterly disheartening and frustrating election; a government that cares way more about the money than the people; out-of-control, militarized police forces murdering indiscriminately – and getting away with it; a President obsessed with dictators and hoping

What Will You Learn Today?

Why is recognizing what you can and will learn today important? There is always something new to be learned. Recognizing this can make a huge difference in your life. When you think there is nothing you can do; if the world seems to be only negative; if you find you are at a loss – there is a chance to learn something new today. What this means is that if you are stuck, displeased, distressed, frustrated, or otherwise not where

What Control Do You Have?

The control you have is real and powerful – but you alone can choose to take it. The human mind is so powerful that science and medicine still only barely understand its capacity. What’s more, your mind is not just the central processing unit (CPU) of your physical body. It is where you reside in the form by which you most identify. Thoughts and feelings are to your intangible self as water is to the tangible. Water makes up more

The Negativity is Loud

While the negativity is loud, is it NOT more abundant than positivity. There are a lot of terrible things happening in the world today. The deluge of information makes us feel uncertain, scared, confused, angry, and almost every-other negative emotion you can conjure. It can be hard to believe that there isn’t more negativity than positivity in the world today. That’s not the truth, however. There are more good/positive things in the world – and in your life – than

What Do You Expect from Yourself?

Being mindful of what you expect from yourself will help you find positivity and balance. It is really easy to get caught up in trying to live up to what you think others expect of you. Let’s face it – at the beginning of our lives, that’s what occupies much of our time. Lots of people have expectations of us. This included our parents, grandparents, other family members, teachers, friends, and so forth. Well-meaning or otherwise, most kids are frequently

Choosing to Be Still

I don’t like being idle and still – but it is a healthy choice from time to time. Just about every day of the week I have something to do. Work here, writing there, deadlines, projects, cleaning, and so on. For a long time now, I have taken a great deal of pride in my ability to do more than one thing at a time. Multitasking has been a skill I’ve bragged about in cover letters and resumes for most

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