The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

A different perspective on the issue of guns

There is no short term solution to this problem.  Let’s just start right there. You cannot take away all the guns.  Period.  And for all of you thinking this is what will happen – IT WILL NOT.  Period.  It may become harder to acquire guns, but no one will be coming into your home to take yours away.  Let’s just start there. And just because the government will likely make it harder to get guns – let’s be real.  If

A post-election open letter to the US Congress

Dear United States Congresspeople, Now that the election is over, how about actually doing the will of the people, instead of the will of the business entities that may be funding your future campaigns? No filibusters.  No obstructions.  No policy statements from one party specifically to disrupt the other.  How about doing some lawmaking?  And not just deregulating the businesses promising to fund your next election – actual, factual lawmaking. Try some of these on for size: Taxation.  How about

What happened to Truth?

When did it become ok to lie? When did we stop caring about the truth, and accept lies? When did we stop questioning what was really happening, and accept lies without a second thought? It is to the point where I daresay it is an epidemic.  Worse than any disease, worse than any threat of war…lies have become perfectly acceptable in the reporting of the news, in political discourse, our schools, our workplaces…everywhere. Lies of every size, shape and color


Why does empowerment scare the government so badly? The easy answer is because they feel we will need them less if we have our own power.  That’s the short answer.  The full answer, however, takes a bit more thought. What IS empowerment, anyhow?  That’s the tough question.  Let’s turn to our friend for the answer: em·pow·er verb (used with object) 1. to give power or authority to; authorize, especially by legal or official means: I empowered my agent to make

An open letter to the American voters

Dear American Voters, Vote intelligently!  Look at the people running – really look at them, pay attention to what they have to say – and don’t be fooled!  Then VOTE! Apparently, a point has been reached in the political discourse in this country where blatant lies and unsubstantiated accusations don’t derail a candidacy.  Thanks to the immediacy of the 24 hour news cycle, all they care about is the soundbite…and getting it to the masses. There are some very serious,


Ever notice how easy it is to place blame?  Often, I don’t think we even realize we’re doing it. How many of these sound familiar?  I should never have listened to you.  You’re responsible for leading me there.  If I hadn’t taken your advice, this would be alright.  If my boss wasn’t so stupid, work would be great!  If you weren’t holding me back, I’d be successful! Shall we pay a visit to blame – noun; verb (used with object) 1. to hold responsible; find fault with; censure: I don’t blame

That which does NOT divide us.

We are all different in so many ways.  Race, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation, nationality…but instead of focusing on our differences, and creating gaps and divides over them – we need to start focusing on all the ways we are the same. The business and political and religious leaders in this world love to explore, exploit, and emphasize all of our differences.  They use them to create fear of one group or another, to control whom they can, and to

Working on the only thing we really have control over

What if we all focused on ourselves for a while? I don’t mean everyone should become selfish – I mean rather than focusing on all the outside influences and all the negatives of the world, we redirect our focus on ourselves, and work to improve what we can in our own lives. This might be a radical idea, but as I read the news and all the negative things going on out there – be it political, religious, monetary, whatever

The Danger of Reactionaries

Why are we letting the reactionaries have so much power right now? Politics and religion in particular are both currently being attacked by reactionaries – and they seem to be winning.  And this makes no sense at all. What does it mean to be reactionary? says this: re·ac·tion·ar·y (adjective) 1. of, pertaining to, marked by, or favoring reaction, especially extreme conservatism or rightism in politics; opposing political or social change. This covers a lot of politics and religion at the moment.   Pick a topic – gay marriage, censorship, propaganda, global warming, health care reform, taxes…every one