The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Stuck in Neutral

I am not feeling negative. However, neither am I feeling a tremendous amount of positivity just now. What do you do when you are stuck in neutral? Neutral is not the worst place to be. You find yourself in a middle ground, between negative and positive, and you thus stand between the extremes. From neutral you have the opportunity to choose where you want to lean. Do you allow positivity to flow into and through you, or negativity to do

Positivity: Consciousness Creates Reality

Consciousness creates reality. This is an amazingly positive statement. It boils down to one simple notion – you create your own world. It is astounding and somewhat upsetting just how many outside forces work continuously to disprove this notion. We are told that circumstances are beyond our control, and that there are limitations and so on and so forth. We are frequently disempowered, and we wind up disbelieving this idea entirely. Despite all the forces arrayed against this concept, they

Positivity: Failure

For some, failure is the thing they fear the most. For some, there is nothing more awful, more terrifying, more negative than failure. Failure is not a negative, unless you choose for it to be. Failure can be, in fact, quite the positive. Yes, this runs counter to much of the beliefs our society holds. We always hear about the success stories, we are always striving to be successful in our endeavors. As such, we hold up success as an